First time dad , have question about formula

@jdh1015 OP, maybe look into getting a formula pitcher instead. I just had twins and we make a 24oz pitcher of formula and feed it straight from the fridge. My girls are 2½ months so they go through two full pitchers a day. I'll probably buy a third once they're a little older. They've never minded cold bottles. Bonus is that at the end of the night we put all the bottles and both pitchers in the dishwasher.
@jdh1015 yes This is the machine baby breeza we’ve been told about , we are going to order this was hoping someone would bring it up , so overall you say that your happy with it ? for a few hundred dollars if it makes life easier is a win for everyone
@silvia74 I love it. Just make sure you follow the instructions to wash it fully every month and wash the filter every 3 uses. A pro tip is to buy an extra 1-2 filters on Amazon so you only have to wash them once per day. I consider the brezza purchase to be one of our best baby buys. I also know others who love the doctor brown formula pitcher, which is much cheaper and allows you to mix up batches of formula, so you do have that option.

Another formula tip I will share regardless of how you mix your bottles is to start out serving the bottles at room temperature rather than warming. That way, if you are on the go and need to give your baby a bottle without any ability to warm it, the baby will still take it. Also useful in case your daycare provider doesn’t warm bottles (if that all applies to you). At the newborn age, I warmed only night bottles with my theory being that hopefully it would make him drowsy and go back to sleep quicker (who knows if that made a difference?), and gave him room temp bottles during the day. As a result, he will take a bottle at any temp.
@jdh1015 More filters , so smart , I like the idea of room temp first to prevent any fussy or picky feeding I didn’t even think about it . When I do switch is it one shot or would I be slowly introducing powder drink and ready made bottle at same time
@silvia74 I believe I started doing every other bottle for a couple days, but it shouldn’t make much a difference besides maybe a little constipation while the digestive system gets used to powdered. Hang on to a case of the ready made to bring with you on car trips. I also have a couple bottles in the diaper bag in case an a ppt goes longer than expected/traffic/etc and baby is getting fussy to eat. Also good to have on hand in case you loose power as back up.
@silvia74 I see you are in Canada! Fellow Canada liver here. You can get distilled water for her formula. Also, I have this. Baby brezza water warmer. And that works well for our bottle mixing. I also only used RTF the first few weeks and switched the Costco brand formula. It’s much cheaper than shoppers drug mart and also look at super store for formulas also cheaper than shoppers.

[water warmer](Baby Brezza Instant Formula Warmer For Baby Bottles
@student101 Thanks Eh, so much new stuff to learn will definitely be checking out super store and Costco ,also signed up and made some family members sign up to get the coupons ,
@silvia74 We formula fed from pretty much day one. Did ready to feed for one month and then moved to powder just made up exactly how the tin said.

Do the transition slowly as powder can cause constipation. So we would do 7 feeds in a day and started with 2 each day as powder for a week, then upped to 3 for a week etc.
@silvia74 For context on the fact that powder is just fine, I’m Australian and you cannot buy concentrate or ready to feed formula here. At all. Hospitals do have little 3 ounce bottles of formula available but it’s only 3 different formulas and again, you can’t buy them, so once you’re out of the hospital you just use the powder. We also don’t buy special water, we just boil ours (which may be dependent on your water quality). Some people do use formula pitchers etc but tbh even that isn’t very common, we usually just make as we go. I used to set out water in bottles and containers of power in correct amounts for the day and just want the bottle and put in the formula when the time came. Including when we went out and about.

So unless the doctor says you can’t use powder then don’t stress over it.
@silvia74 Target brand formula is pretty good and reasonably priced. I would invest in a Baby Brezza or Dr. Brown’s formula pitcher or even both. We use the Baby Brezza during the day and make a pitcher at night and pre fill bottles for overnight so we can just grab out the fridge right away when he wakes up hungry. I would try to keep LO on room temp or cold formula. We never got in the habit of warming it, much easier imo. We use tap water in a Brita pitcher as water in our area is safe. Congrats on your baby girl. I’m sorry BF didn’t go as planned… there are some great benefits of FF. We have been doing it from day 1 and we’re able to take shifts so husband and I both get sleep since husband can also feed baby. I second the above poster who said @theformulamom on ig is great. She has a lot of resources and also talks a lot about how great FF and not feeling guilty is in case your wife is struggling with this change (I’ve heard it can be hard when you intended to BF).
@lynlovesgod searching for a local brezza now before ordering but with hat I’ve been told and read it seems like the way to go , the dr brown looks like something I will get to keep at my mothers house , retired teacher now grandma lol for those longer stays . And thank you we gave it a shot but physically and mentally it wasn’t meant to be .I looked at the formula mom it’s great I’m going to show her tonight she’ll love it , thank you and good luck to your family
@silvia74 Good luck to you guys as well! If you can’t find one, I think if you sign up for a registry on Babylist you get 15% off one item and you could use that on the baby brezza! I think buybuyBaby coupons exclude baby brezza unfortunately (but I could be wrong about that).
@silvia74 you dont have to wait to switch to powder, it is safe for the baby as long as she can digest it.

plus significantly cheaper than the ready to feed bottles!