First scan


New member
Hi everyone. I went for my first internal scan today I thought I was 7+1 but turns out I’m actually 5+5 which is a little further behind than I thought. My LMP was tracked so I know it’s correct however I’m not sure on ovulation dates. The sonographer seems like everything is fine and reassured me it’s normal. She could see a clear yolk sack and even a beating heart. She said the only thing that matters is that my baby is there and with a beating heart. I’d just like to know if anyone else was further behind than expected and had a healthy baby?
@thundergirl96 At my 6 week scan I was measuring 9 days behind, but at followup scans it went down to 4 or 5 days and there was a strong heartbeat. At 13 weeks she was still only measuring 12w +4. However, my doctor was never really concerned because I have PCOS so I have a longer cycle. I was actually tracking my cycles and when I conceived, I ovulated at day 21. My OB told me that as long as the variation is under 7 days, she's not worried.
@thundergirl96 When I had my first US I was supposed to be 6+6 and they measured me at 5+2. I freaked out. They rescheduled me for a second US and I was actually right on track for the initial date I was given. They said baby was just scrunched up and they had to wait for her to stretch out a little to get an accurate read.

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