First IUI; 42f secondary infertility


New member
Hi- just wanted to share my experience and maybe commiserate with those in the same/similar boat.
I’m 42(f), husband is 46(m), we have a 7 year old who we conceived with no medication/intervention. We tried for 1 month and got pregnant immediately! That’s where the luck all ran out.
We have been trying for almost 2 years to have another baby.
Things we have done-
Timed intercourse
LH strips
Clearblue ovulation monitor
Proov progesterone strips
BBT every morning
kegg device
Vitamins, all kinds of mushrooms/barks/berries/roots/minerals etc lol

Nothings worked.
AMH is at 1.8 which is great for 42
No make factor - at all
No blockages
35 day very regular cycle..

Doc wants us to do 1 IUI round before proceeding with IVf.

Started 50mg Clomid on days 5-9.

Day 11:
First ultrasound on Day 11 shows Endo being about 7.8mm, no right follicles and a 16mm, 11mm and 8mm on my left. Told to come back next morning.

Day 12:
Head over on Day 12- Ultrasound shows endo is at about 9-10mm, follicles now at 18mm, 14mm, 12mm and 8mm.
Trigger perform that day at 10pm, followed by sexy-time.

Day 13- nada

Day14: IUI day
husband gives sample and post-wash….it’s a whopping 95 million with 82% motility
I do the IUI and no pain at all.
Evening I feel nauseous, really bad cramps and extremely tired. I wonder if this is because I might have ovulated 3 eggs?

Anyway, thought I’d share my experience. I’m in San Diego if any has recommendations or wants me to provide them.

I’ll update this post if I have anything to share. Wish me luck!
@zandile Honestly, vitamins and minerals are not going to move the needle much and can't fix chromosomal abnormalities. Egg quality takes a significant hit between age 35, when you got pregnant naturally, and your current age. I am in the same boat and it is definitely frustrating. Your doctor's recommendation of doing IVF after one IUI is a reasonable one.
@everly Thanks, yea totally agree with the plan as well. I had just started my period and decided to squeak in an IUI while we talked through IVF options. It was the right decision for us, at least feels like we are being more proactive rather than taking the useless supplements lol.
@zandile Very similar situation here. Have a 7 year old we conceived within just few months of trying (maybe 4-5 max). Very similar ages (42F, 43M). Tried everything you mentioned so far, except IUI/IVF. Been trying 2.5-3 yrs almost. No luck apart from a few chemicals / may one early MC after an year of trying.
@zandile I came to reddit to look for someone with the same two week wait timing… I (36f) just got my first round of IUI today after ttc for 2 years, one mc last summer.

We will do three rounds before considering IVF.

I know a lot of couples go through this, but health issues of all kind are a lonely journey. Wishing you and all of us the best of luck.
@momof4tx71 Hi there! Would love to connect and see how your journey is going! Are you tracking your temps still? I’m 3DPO according to my app, so we just wait…feels so unproductive lol
@zandile hi! 10dpIUI right now. I never was really regular in tracking my temps, so I’m not sure what to think but I’ve been getting high temps for me (37.4 c) when I’m usually around 36.5.

I feel like I’m jinxing myself, so I’ll stop here haha.

Good luck waiting, let’s try to not drive ourselves crazy!
@momof4tx71 I am in the same boat...2DPIUI. Waiting to stay neutral because the let down is so hard :( we are dealing with MFI and so had to use donor sperm. We had 56mil post wash.
Had some leakage after so worried it all didn't make it to where it needed to be.
We have two more tries after this.....
@maxbrokeaway I can see how you’d be worried about the leakage… I hope they made it and got enough in. Did you lie down for a while afterwards?

I was worried they didn’t make it to the right spot because the doctor had to change catheters and prodded quite a bit. My partner was watching and confirmed that she finally was able to insert it all the way and I definitely felt it like a needle piercing my uterus and felt a bit woozy for a minute.

I’m 10 dp IUI - if I’m being honest with myself I do feel pregnant (super bloated and unable to eat, temp is higher than normal for me though I’m not tracking regularly) but then again, each cycle I find some symptom to hold on to. I have great no ability to manage my expectations.

Anyways time will tell soon enough. I’m still torn on taking a test on 14 dp IUI or waiting it out.
@zandile It may be that there are chromosomal issues in your eggs due to age that are causing embryos to stop developing early, before implantation.

I’m holding hope that IUI is the answer for you!