First early US: what to expect?

@romans82 Thank you! I’m terrible with numbers, so I’ve been trusting the apps which have been saying 5 weeks today. Can you help confirm since you seem to know what you’re talking about?
First day of LMP was 3/21 (ended 3/25), ovulation day was 4/2. That’s not 5 weeks today?
@taramiss So when initially dating your pregnancy, they’ll likely say 5 weeks based on LMP because that’s how they estimate. LMP dating is based on a 28 date cycle though. But if you know when you ovulated, that’s more accurate because that’s when conception occurred, making true gestational age 5+3 or 24dpo. For example, someone with a 42 day cycle will get 6 weeks pregnant at 14dpo on an app or if going by LMP, but their cycles are just longer and going by ovulation and conception, gestational age would be 4 weeks. A few days doesn’t change much though and they’ll likely still go by your LMP (although my short cycles moved my EDD up an entire week, which I knew was going to happen), but given that your gestational age is more likely around 5 1/2 weeks and that your beta should be >2000 given your 20dpo beta (which is the cutoff for seeing a gestational sac), you should absolutely see a GS in a healthy pregnancy (unlike what another poster suggested).
@romans82 Ahh gotchya. Thank you so much for taking the time to explain that. It makes sense now. It also makes sense why they waited to hear that 20 dpo beta and then immediately scheduled the scan. Hopefully I’ll see a sac tomorrow!
@romans82 Hi! I’m so sorry for the VERY delayed reply. I didn’t see this until just now when I was going back through this post to remember some dates I had said. It went great! They dated me at 5w2d, which brings my due date to Christmas Day. There was a gestational sac and the beginnings of a yolk sac. I have now had a scan every Friday since then (5 scans total) and so far everything is looking good with a strong heartbeat from the second scan onwards! I graduated out of the fertility clinic this past Friday and have my first OB appt today actually (hence why I’m here looking at dates). I expect they’ll give me the NIPT kit for natera today and I’ll take that to the lab tomorrow. It’s crazy to think that I’m already at that point, which is the point I fear the most (my first MMC was due to monosomy). Hope everything is well with you!
@taramiss My early scans are always at 6weeks this time it was 6w 3 days abdominal only we saw baby and heart beat , yolk sac. I’m 9 weeks now.

For 5 weeks my last pregnancy they only saw a sac yolk sac and a very tiny fetal pole just starting to show up, they said it was very small! I thought I was 6 weeks. Unfortunately I lost that pregnancy

With my living child I went around 6 weeks and the dr couldn’t find anything in the sac , this was 11 years ago in Austria and I was at a home clinic not sure how good that machine was. Went back two weeks later and she was there.

Everything is so small at 5 weeks. Try not to panic too much if they don’t see much.
@plusfactor I’m so sorry for your previous loss, but it’s also reassuring to hear about your LC’s scan, even if it was 11 years ago and possibly on not great equipment. Congrats on your pregnancy too! I hope it all goes smoothly and uneventful ♥️
@taramiss I had a first US last week at 5+2 and we could see gestational sac and yolk sac (beta 6270), but I got the sense that not seeing the yolk sac was also in the realm of normal. I hope you see everything you want to see, but more than that I just wanted to say I totally feel you. I find reassurance from betas and US also short lived, but trying to work on the anxiety part.
@dovewall Thank you so much! Yeah, the reassurance is great for like a day. But the lead up for results or the scan is always so bad. I’m really hoping I see what you saw. My betas should hopefully be around where yours were (unless something has gone wrong)
@taramiss Hi! I just had my first early ultrasound on Friday at 6 weeks 1 day, they said everything was measuring perfectly, we saw a yolk sac as well as a fetal pole but not a heartbeat :( My sonographer said that only about 50% of pregnancies will show a heartbeat that early but of course i am stressed beyond belief. I go back this Thursday and praying we see a heartbeat.
@taramiss Please, please stay calm no matter what the scan shows. It's likely that you won't see anything, which is NORMAL!

5 weeks is so early. You may see a small gestational sac, but if you don't, it is 100% ok! The gestational sac should for sure be seen by 5.5 weeks.
@commissionerfd1 I replied to your other comment, but I’m replying to this one too. Thank you so much. This knowledge is incredibly helpful and makes me feel much better about the scan. So this basically means it’s a no pressure scan?