Finalizing THE Name


New member
I am 8 months pregnant and my husband and I have had the name Griffin James picked out for 5 or 6 months. All of a sudden I’m having doubts and totally unsure! I have things customized with the name and we really don’t have a backup name either. When did you all know your baby’s name was the one? Does it feel more real/settled when they’re actually here?
@hoosier63 First of all I think it's a great name. I have a Griffin too, so maybe I'm a little biased. It's normal to have doubts, but often even if you second guess you'll soon realize baby grows in to the name and you won't be able to picture anything else.
@hoosier63 We picked them all out before they were born and never had the second doubts. Its not unusual, though. A lot is happening. The way I work is to trust my first instinct unless something acts against it to truly dissuade me.

The statical likelihood is that you will still want the name Griffin and will continue to love it for the whatever your original reasons were.
@hoosier63 Personally, i had doubts and now i regret the name 2 years later. I’d reconsider your name choices, of course it may just be final nerves as everyones different.

At the same time, its not set in stone! You do have a year to change it usually (depending on where you live). If you think it may be right then try it out for a few months and if you still have doubts a few months down the line its a sign to change it.

And if in a few months you still do have the same doubts and the name doesn’t stick please just change it regardless of what the people around you think. Because i’m now at the point of it being too late due to my daughter being 2 and a lot more self aware.
@hoosier63 There were names we liked early in the pregnancy, that we didn’t like as much later. We ended up going with a name that was barely in our top 20 initially but we ended up loving at 8 months pregnant. I would make a top 4 list of names now and if nothing toots your horn more than griffin, than just stick with it. Look at all name options now and make a list. Good luck!
@hoosier63 We went into the hospital with a list and waited til we had a few days with our baby to see what name actually fit.

The name we felt was more for him actually at the very bottom of our list. And we love it.
@hoosier63 I didn’t really feel settled with my kiddo’s name until they were old enough to really develop a personality to attach to their name.

I’m an overanalyzer and a worrier and battle intrusive thoughts. I don’t think I would have found a name that I’d know for sure was the right one.
@hoosier63 Have you told anyone the name yet? I waited until my baby was born to fully commit to the name, so we didn’t tell anyone until we were announcing he was born. Hearing my family use his name made me feel much more settled about it.
@maksutov Yes, everyone knows. I can’t keep a secret lol. I’ve been obsessed with baby names, my whole life, but now that it’s time to name one I’m having trouble! It’s just such a big decision!
@hoosier63 My partner and I had my son's name picked out for nearly a decade, then a few weeks before he was due I got cold feet! It"s so much pressure to get it right. We kept the name, and I'm so glad we did. It fits hims perfectly, and I love it just as much as I did over 10 years ago