Feelings you’d have twins..?

@twinmum Twins don't run in my family but when we moved into our current house (was pregnant with my first at the time), a neighbour said "your house is cursed! Everyone who lives there has 3 kids!!" And I laughed, because we didn't plan for 3...well I'm 16 weeks pregnant with twins and I'm not laughing now 😅
@kimmy I lived in a duplex for a year and I got my surprise (twin! surprise again!) pregnancy around 5 months into living there. When we were moving out and talking to our neighbors they said for the entire time they've been there (5 or 6 years) any couple that's lived in our unit has gotten pregnant!
@kimmy I live in a “fertility house” too! We’re the third set of twins here. When we moved in the neighbors warned us “careful, everyone who moves into that house has to move out from having too many kids”. I thought it was a rude and presumptuous warning, but it’s true! The house has sold every 3-4 years on Zillow in recent history lol. We’re staying put though! Hope my husbands vasectomy holds ;)
@twinmum I decided that I wanted to have twins when my hubby and I started trying and I manifested that shit! When our first ultrasound showed we were having twins he said “this is all your fault!” 😂
@twinmum Knew I was pregnant and had some bleeding just before 6 weeks, so went into emerge. Of course I feared the worst. While I was being triaged another nurse asked the one assessing me why two babies were referred to in their system as “NewbornGirl1” and “NewbornGirl2” and the nurse triaging me said it was how they named twins in their system, she’d known because she had twins there. I remember thinking wow imagine having two babies? I hope I’m still having one… 12 hours later we saw two gestational sacs on the ultrasound!
@twinmum We joked about it forever. My husband and I are the youngest in our families and the last to have kids, I was also like 85lb and 5 feet when I got pregnant so it was kind of just like a “haha watch you have twins”. My husbands papa is an identical twin and so was his grandma. My nana on my dads side was an identical twin and my great grandma on my moms side had fraternal twins AND triplets, so I knew there was a possibility that I had the gene. We joked about it so much up until our first ultrasound. I had gone in by myself (covid restrictions only allowed my husband to join for the last 10 minutes) and the ultrasound tech played it super cool, she told me that the baby looked good and had a great heartbeat. She was taking quite a while and I guess she could see I looked concerned so she said she was just getting all the pictures she needed. She called my husband into the room and showed us our little baby on the monitor, as we were having our little awe moment she slowly moved the ultrasound thingy and said “and here’s your other baby!” I thought she was in on our little joke for a minute until we saw them on the screen at the same time 😂
@twinmum The minute I took the test I told my husband and my mom “I just feel like there’s two”. They both would make jokes and say I was being ridiculous but at our ten week ultrasound I was so validated. I also asked my dr at my 35 week appointment if they were going to come soon because I felt like they might come the next day and she told me no, no labor signs. I had my husband book a fancy dinner just in case. The next day my water broke! I definitely feel very in touch with my intuition when it comes to my body or my children.
@twinmum My favorite movie as a kid was the parent trap, my best friends growing up were twins, and my husband and I was actually googling at one point when we were trying for a previous pregnancy how to naturally conceive twins 🤣
@twinmum I had two crazy things happen before I got pregnant. We did IVF because my husband had a vasectomy and the doctor didn’t think a reversal would be a good option for his anatomy. Then after our transfer I was walking my dog down a logging road and was crying and so stressed out just hoping I was pregnant (you usually don’t find out until 10-14 days post transfer if you’re pregnant). I am literally in the middle of nowhere in the forest on rough terrain, not one you could have a stroller or want to have a baby in a bag, and it was pouring down rain all day. There was mud everywhere!!! I said out loud “if I’m pregnant, just give me a sign!!” And I came around the corner there in the middle of the trail, dry as a bone and totally clean, sitting on a rock was a BABY TEETHER!!!! Like wtf??? It was in the shape of a strawberry. I was so freaked out! I still have that teether.

So we found out I’m pregnant and I just felt like something was different. I cracked an egg that morning before our first ultrasound and it was a double yolker! I’ve never had one before so that was interesting. We joked “imagine this was a premonition for us having twins ???” Flash forward a few hours later and after our ultrasound and there were our twins right before our eyes.

It’s so amazing!!!
@twinmum I always thought I would have twins from a young age. I use to tell people and got some weird looks. So we had a 6 month old and my husband kept telling me that I was pregnant and he just knew it. I had a leftover pregnancy test so I took it to prove him wrong but it said PREGNANT to my absolute shock. Because of my history with ectopic pregnancy, I had bloodwork a few days later & an ultrasound the following week. I started dreaming about having twins almost every night. The day before the ultrasound, I woke up, looked at my husband and he said, “I keep dreaming about twins.” I looked at my bloodwork that night and noted the elevated hcg. At the ultrasound the tech found Baby A & was starting to check him out when my husband told her we’d both been dreaming about twins and she said, “Okay let’s look around here… oh. Umm. Do you see this?!?” And we all started laughing hysterically. They’re 11 now.
@twinmum NO. In fact when I was in college the first friend I made is a twin (fraternal girls). And when I saw the conflict they had in their relationship I told myself I never wanted to have twin girls. And here I am 34 weeks pregnant with twin girls.

However, I got pregnant via IUI. My husband had said he only wanted one child while I wanted 3. I have diminished ovarian reserve so a second child likely wasn’t an option unless we froze embryos via IVF. Anyway, the day before we went in for our first ultrasound, I joked about having twins. Sure enough, we had twins. Dr said it was a 5% chance. I told my husband God was throwing me a bone to have more than one child before my fertility ran out 😅
@twinmum I was in kindergarten or first grade, that era, and I asked Santa for twin baby dolls. I don’t know why but I just clearly believed twins were for me. Now each of my girls has one of my old baby dolls.
@twinmum I’d always wanted twins. Was googling signs you’re having twins but not really seeing any of them except that I felt like I was showing way sooner than I thought I would? Night before our first ultrasound, I was trying desperately to find this video on social media of a girl from high school revealing to her entire family that she’d actually been pregnant with twins on the DAY they were born… I just thought it was an amazing video and really wanted to see it. Day of the ultrasound, I texted my best friend, “Dude, what if it’s twins?” Then, sure enough! “Looks like there’s two in there!” We’ve got two 6 month olds now - a boy and a girl, and they’re our whole world!