Feeling lost and losing hope


New member
I’m going to be 30 this year and my husband 31. I have always had irregular cycles all my life. Blood work has always come back normal/optimal. My cycles have gotten better since the past 2 years but still average 1.5 - 2 months (sometimes more). Last year I had cycle where i had a lot of egg white discharge, took an LH test and looked as if I was ovulating. We ended up getting pregnant! Everything was going well, I was surprised that I did get pregnant as i had an IMMENSE amount of work stress. Pregnancy was going great up until genetic testing. We found out baby had chromosomal abnormality and pregnancy wasn’t viable for us. We had terminate at 4 months, it was a surgical D&E. Absolutely heartbreaking and I’m still trying to get over it (it’s been 5 months). We are trying again, I’ve had 2 cycles since and am waiting for my 3rd one.

Since January, (D&C was end of october)- I’ve had soo much acne and vaginal dryness. I never had that issue. I never got a yeast infection previously. In January it felt as i was really itchy down there and eraser shaving type discharge (that’s how it dried). This was after of multiple days of intimacy. Due to the itching I got a few knicks. My OB told me it might be a yeast infection and prescribed diflucan. It didn’t go away. But my period came and things went back to normal. Now same thing is happening again. My results came back negative for yeast and BV. I’m not sure what’s going on as I always had lotion like discharge or egg white. Now it’s just watery. Could this be stress related?

My OB had me do some tests to see if I had PCOS. Ultrasound is normal minus one complex cyst in my left ovary. Blood work is normal. I’m not overweight, no excessive hair either. So my provider says that results don’t indicate PCOS but we haven’t completely ruled it out.

I’ve been doing LH tests and really haven’t had a high peak. I also have the OURA ring which i’m using for BBT and have not had that rise to confirm ovulation. I’m on cycle day 51 so not sure when my period will come if i haven’t ovulated yet. It’s hard to keep trying with my CM situation- as I keep getting the itchiness and weird discharge after multiple days of intimacy. My last cycle was 60 days.

My acne still hasn’t gone away. My discharge is all different and worse. I have no idea what my body is doing. I’m beginning feeling hopeless in this TTC journey and wonder if it will ever happen for us 😔.

Do i continue LH testing daily until I get my period (or a positive pregnancy test but i’m feeling doubtful this cycle). My OB offered to put me on clomid/ letrozole after 6 months if we aren’t pregnant yet.

I’ve been taking:
vitamin e
conception for her supplements (has folic acid and other vitamins along with vitex to help ovulation)

i don’t want to take myoinositol as it makes me spot for a month sometimes. I just wish my discharge and vulva area a ituation would go back to normal as it’s making trying hard. It almost feels like the universe doesn’t want me to be trying for baby right now.

Have you guys heard of any thing like my situation? Any insight would be helpful.
@delevy Regarding the itchiness…there was a year that I had back to back to back yeast infections and the testing for it never came out positive because by the time I would go to the dr, my period would be close to arriving and the vaginal ph level would kill it off. In hindsight I absolutely think it was stress related. It would also begin around ovulation and end around the start of my period.
@delevy It did get better but I stopped going to the dr for it and as soon as I would see it, I would use the OTC Monistat vaginal suppositories and eventually it stopped recurring (maybe a few months?) I am certain it was stress but also just my hormones totally out of whack until they recalibrated.
You mentioned it’s been 5 months since your d & c, and I would like to point out that your hormones/body took a HUGE hit and may take quite awhile to get back to normal. I remember after my miscarriage, I felt like it was like 8-9 months before I felt normal again, and I was nowhere near as far along as you were.
@delevy I suffered a missed miscarriage at the end of last summer. Once we started trying again, I had vaginal itching that came and went as well as burning urination. My friend told me to ask to be tested for Ureaplasma because it can cause miscarriage and infertility. Sure enough tested positive, and was negative for yeast, BV, UTI, etc. I would ask your doctor to run that test for you!
@delevy I did a 7 day treatment of Doxycycline (100mg twice a day). Finished the treatment early January and retested the end of February and was negative. Hope that helps - best of luck to you!