Feeling like a blob. Help


New member
I’m 10.5 months pp and still weigh as much as I did before I gave birth nearly a year ago. My body shape has also changed quite a bit. I initially lost all but 5lbs right after giving birth, but then regained it all back over the course of the year, probably due to my breastfeeding appetite early on. Luckily, it seems it’s stabilized since month 3/4 or so. For a while, I didn’t think it bothered me because I kept thinking I’d just work out when I had the time and it would all be fine. Specifically, I was thinking once I’m done pumping at work at 1 year, I could easily replace that time with working out 2-3x per week. But the other day I saw a video of myself my husband had taken and my god- there is A LOT more jiggling than there used to be!

Anyone else feel similarly? Any ideas of what I can do ASAP? I used to be very active, pretty athletic and muscular. Now I just feel and look like a sad blob. Should I try calorie counting and not worry about it impacting my supply this late in the game?
@miketexas I wonder if a lot of the jiggly/blobby feeling is loss of muscle mass/tone. I’m confronting something similar too. Maybe a heavy weight lifting program over cardio exercises would address the issue more?
@miketexas I don’t have good advice, just solidarity. I feel the same. I’m 16 weeks PP now and anytime I lose a pound my supply tanks. But I can’t stay this overweight for a whole year, I gained an unhealthy amount and am at an unhealthy weight right now. It’s a rock and a hard place situation.

Though I did buy some new clothes and got my hair done. That seemed to help a little with the frumpy feeling.
@miketexas Just a data point here, but I calorie counted pretty hard with both my kids, and it didn't affect my (already borderline) supply. I know that's not true for everyone. But also at 10.5 months postpartum your milk supply isn't critical as your baby is eating food food.