Feeling hurt


New member
Hello so yesterday my kids had this thing at the church, kinda a award thing for the youth group they are in, so I didn't plan on telling there mom because everytime she around the kids pretty much ignore the f*ck out of me

So we go there and she randomly showed up guess the kids told her so I end up going to the bathroom and came back kids went with her and they sat down not leaving me any room so I had to sit by my self as my kids hang out with there mom, was heart breaking because so many kids with there family n then me some dude by him self with no kids at all. Then there was cake after so I got in line and my son comes up to me n ask
"is it dad or mom night"
"it's dad's tonight buddy"
"oh that really sucks" ( he is 8 btw n daughter is 7)
Just felt really hurt that they didn't want to sit by me or even come close to me the whole night till there mom left then tell me they didn't want to me around me

Wasn't sure how to cope with everything
@lizfromerma Kids have no filter. Don’t forget they are 50% yours too! Your parenting styles are just different. Maybe try googling some bonding activities you would want to do with your kiddies. My kids are near the same age 8 and 10. They loooove having my full attention and we recently discovered the wave pool. Oh my god the giggles. Then we get a treat on the way home and they are in heaven. They absolutely love having something to look forward to as a routine. It may be worth a try doing something special with just you and them! Keep it up it’s not easy but worth it. Also push your way onto the seats lol or stand right in the middle it’s your night too!