Our twin girls were born 2 days ago at 34 weeks, 2 days. They are doing great, on CPAP, learning how to take a bottle, have a few Brady episodes, but all typical stuff for their age. Baby A was 5 pounds 15 ounces, and baby B, 6 pounds, 8 ounces, so good size for gestational age. I had been here in the hospital 2 months for severe preeclampsia and had a c-section. At first things went great and was back in recovery then had massive post partum hemorrhage and ended up losing over 4 liters of blood and emergency hysterectomy. I’m doing well so far now. Originally I planned to pump and supplement with formula. After my near-death experience I’m honestly just trying to heal up. The nurses have been very nice but keep asking if I want to pump. We also went to see girls in NICU today for like 20 minutes, but my stamina is still coming back. How little is too little time to spend with them? Will they lose out not getting any colostrum? I’m guessing they won’t be in the NICU too long, but am I supposed to be there hours a day? Holding them too long seems like it might over stimulate them?