Feeling drained


New member
I am 12 W pp and pumping round the clock and feeding as baby didn't latch. I am feeling very drained, pumping, feeding and cleaning the bottles. I am constantly feeling sleepy and hungry with no energy to workout. I want to know if this is common and if it gets better. The house chores and cooking keep me busy the rest of the time.
@soulseeker95 This is common and normal! I have found that taking walks with the baby is a good form of exercise that is convenient and easy and also really enjoyable in the middle of the day. Too bad the air sucks where I live. Anyway, give yourself a break, there is no rush to losing weight and you’re doing so much to take care of everyone else.

Also, house chores burn a ton of calories too. If you’re tracking activity, don’t forget to add those in.
@soulseeker95 I didn't realize how much work pumping was until we started that. It does get better. I had to go back to work at 6months pp and realized I had more energy. It's definitely a marathon but every month gets better and better. Hang in there. It's so easy to forget how hard those first months are.