Feeling alone in not sleep training

@magicfeather I just don't think we should judge other parents for the educated and informed decisions they make.

I wouldn't judge someone for formula feeding their baby, because they are doing their best. I would judge for skipping vaccinations because that's just idiotic.
@mariet9 I don’t know, I think it’s fair game to judge someone that lets their baby cry/scream for 60-90 minutes and will only go into the room during that time frame if the baby vomits from distress (but won’t make eye contact or comfort them, will only clean/change them in the most mechanical way possible) because that’s ’how you teach a baby to sleep’. I feel like that’s neglect.

I’m the only one in my friend group that is not sleep training, they all told me that the extinction method (they described it as the above paragraph) was great because after 1-2 weeks their baby never cries at night and is so much more independent. I think it’s cruel and I cry for their babies. But I’m getting judged harshly for responding to every cry ‘your baby will never be independent‘ ‘your setting your daughter up for failure’ ‘your going to have a 19 year old that still needs you at night’ and my baby is not even 6 months old! But how dare I say anything about the way they choose to parent because that’s mom shaming. It makes no sense.
@mariet9 Why are you being downvoted, yikes. Hugs. Yes, we're all doing/trying our best with what we've got.

And to the folks here saying "if doing your best is abandoning your baby...." remember that we're not all influenced by the same influences. Some are influenced to suppress their own feelings. Others are influenced to embrace their feelings. Some people are influenced to spank their kids. Some people are influenced to bribe their kids. Some people are influenced to guilt-trip their kids. Some are used to yelling. Some are influenced to snuggle with their kids. Others are influenced to limit snuggles. Others are influenced to do screen time. Others are influenced to hold off from screen time. We don't all have the same information and influences, people!!!! We're all doing our best and trying our darnedest with what we do have!!!