Feeding schedule


New member
Hey everyone!

I hope all of you and your babes are doing well.

FTM here. My son just turned 7 weeks today and i’m just curious when, if and how you all started to establish a feeding schedule/routine?

Baby is bottle fed and so far we’ve been feeding on demand and it’s been a bit of a nightmare. We were given the okay a while ago to let him sleep through the night (up to 6 hours) because he’s an 85th percentile baby and his weight is great and he’s gaining like a champ. So i’ve stopped waking him for feeds as he never sleeps more than 4 hours straight without waking up.

The last week or two he’s been snacking a lot instead of having full feeds as his sleeping schedule has been changing. He usually falls asleep anywhere from 8pm-11pm and is out for about 10-12 hours, will wake for feeds every 4 hours and only eat a very small amount compared to his normal. For reference our usual feeding sizes were: 60ml (2oz) if it’d been an hour or less, 120ml (4oz) if it’d been two & 150ml (5oz) l if it’d been 3 hours or more. Through the night he’ll wake up to eat and only take about 60-100ml (2-3.5 oz) so he seems to be starving all day but will still only take small amounts at a time. Through the day he usually has around 1000ml (1L or 33oz) total.

We’re due to see the doctor this Friday but i’m dying in the meantime my husband works all day and it seems like all I do is feed him all day while he’s gone worst than when he was a NB and i don’t even get to eat or do anything for myself until he’s home and settled. I’ve tried giving him a soother and helping him with gas relief in case his feeding cues were actually due to gas because i’ve heard that’s common.

I’d appreciate any tips of advice or even just someone to relate to my pain LOL

@dccox55 Our baby is bottle fed (80% formula, the rest is breastmilk), 5,5 weeks old. Our pediatrician told us we were feeding him too much when we did on demand feeding at three weeks and to just stick in a pacifier to calm him down between feeds. So now we're feeding 135mL every 4 hours except at night where we do a 5-hour stretch, and one time during the day where we do one 3-hour break instead of 4. We were also told to not give him more than 150mL per kg per day, but we're still giving him more than that (about 165mL x kg). As long as he stays on his curve I doubt it harms him, but he does start crying a while before it's feeding time and he's figured out the pacifier doesn't contain milk, so it gets pretty frustrating. When this happens I latch him onto my breast so he at least gets something while hungry.
@dccox55 My 8 week old was in the NICU for two weeks and we basically took their schedule and brought it home.

Feed every 3-4 hours, 90-100ML.

During the day I cap her naps at 2 hours and enjoy some tummy time or bath or whatever else she needs to do to know it’s day time.

A schedule has been great so we know exactly when her next feed is due which helps us plan our day.

Sometimes she will want to feed in the middle if she’s having a growth spurt and we will give her more. We don’t delay because she’s the boss!