Feeding question


New member
How to you switch breasts at night with cosleeping and feeding? Does everyone just have a “night time” boob? 😂 my LO sleeps on my left side so I would feed her in side lying in the L, but I don’t feel comfortable switching our positions because my partner is also in the bed and that would put her in between us.
@falan I'm able to shift my position slightly and lean over him a bit so he can feed from my other boob. Perhaps this only works so well because I have larger breasts though.
@bonbon87 Same! But I do have the one nighttime boob that gets more comfort action (closer to the bed). It is easier for both of us to fall asleep while LO nurses the closest one. The top boob I only offer up when he’s actually hungry nursing.
@falan Our bed's big enough that I feel safe having LO between us - I'm using my own blanket, LO is in my C cuddle all the time, my boobs are too small to lean over

And have found husband is super aware of baby in the bed - often wakes up before I even do if baby can't find the boob, and helps me move my blanket around when I swap sides
@falan If my scrunch my pillow up so it’s a bit higher I can pull that left shoulder farther under me and offer the right boob. Yes my shoulder hurts most days, but now I’m not flopping like a fish back and forth all night.
@falan My baby slept between us from early on, but at that point we couldn't feed side lying anyway. Now that he's older, I flip him to the other side at each wake up. He's either between me and my partner or on the outside of the bed which has a full size crib side carred to it.
@falan When my daughter was days old, I would nurse from the side that was on the bed all night except for a 3am feed that we did from the other boob in the glider. After a bit of practice I could hoist my top boob over so I was able to stay on the same side and alternate boobs. Now that she’s 4.5 mo I just move her to the middle of our king bed for every other feeding. I was less focused on the “4 month requirement” but it really did feel like she was more mobile by then and my husband is so used to her being in bed now he doesn’t even pull the blankets past his waist, etc
@falan How old is your baby? If I remember correctly baby can sleep between you from 4 months old, so long as your partner is following the rules (sober etc) and knows the baby will be next to him for some portions of the night, it’s fine to switch sides. I have to because my boobs are too small to make it work otherwise!
@falan So close!! For now I would roll her back to the other side after you finish feeding her - I found that if I kept baby tummy to tummy with me and rolled with her and then sort of jiggled and did some bum pats after, she didn’t wake up. 😊
@falan We are both more comfortable with the right boob and as she's gotten older, I can occasionally just lean a little bit more and offer the left but only if it's just a quick snack and not a full feed otherwise it gets uncomfortable for me. When she was waking more, we flip flopped throughout the night. (Just turned 12 months, DD size, dad sleeps in the attic with the dogs)
@falan We have a king size bed, I’ve always moved around baby, so like start on my left side, next time baby feeds I’ll move to my right side on the other side of baby
@falan I was always too tired/lazy to switch positions, so i definitely have a night boob. It's like 2 cup sizes bigger than the other, but oh well lmao.