Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

@readingdad Speaking only from experience with pre-e, do not ignore the headaches and definitely monitor your blood pressure at home, and don’t feel bad about calling doctors’ line if you get a high at-home reading. I was induced at 34+1 with my di/di twins due to pre-e and had spent the weeks leading up to that convincing myself that I was fine, that the doctors were irritated with me, or that the discomfort (headaches, swelling, vision changes) were just things to be expected in a twin pregnancy. The babies did need to do some NICU time because of their gestational age but they were only there for 6 days to feed and grow.

The hardest parts about their delivery were just 1) adjusting to them coming earlier than expected because of an issue with my health, and 2) the magnesium drip. I’d recommend asking your doctor to really give you a full run-down of what to expect if you need to be on magnesium. It was rough.

Please PLEASE take care of yourself. I ended up needing to be re-admitted following delivery for a few reasons but in part because the pre-e didn’t go away after delivery as expected. I’m 5 weeks pp and still on procardia for my blood pressure. Biggest takeaway: advocate for yourself.
@fw777 I’m going to buy a blood pressure cuff today. I know my doctor is going to recommend me buying one when I see him next week, anyway. I’m glad everything was okay with you.
@readingdad I’d also recommend you bring the at-home cuff with you to an appointment to compare the readings with their office cuff. That helped me with peace of mind knowing that the readings on my at-home cuff were accurate. Best of luck with everything.
@readingdad Look at this way, at least you’re aware and your physicians are going to keep an eye on you and keep everyone safe. This is the best situation to be in if you have these conditions. Carrying twins is going to increase these risks but you are going to be ok. There are tons of us here in the sub that have had one or both these issues.

You got this. I had gestational diabetes from week 9 and delivered at 36 weeks with pre-e.
@goodward I am definitely grateful for such a great OB and MFM who work very closely together. It’s just scary. It’s nothing like what I imagined pregnancy to be. And that’s okay. But I just don’t think I was ready for this.
@readingdad It’s so scary and so real. And honestly you might have some remaining ppd and ppa over the whole thing afterwards since it’s that’s insane.

But you can do it. You ARE doing it. You are strong and your body is going to help protect you and your doctors will help.

Soon you’ll have the twins and you can come here and help other mom’s scared out of their minds too.
@goodward Thank you. I really appreciate your kind words 🥹

What prompted you to get tested so early for GD? I’m a little concerned I most likely left it untreated for a long time.
@readingdad I had two factors - I was overweight with PCOS. And I was carrying twins. OB insisted I get tested due to those two factors that can multiple your odds of having GD.
@readingdad My BP was constantly borderline throughout my didi pregnancy. I got sent to L&D triage so many times for it, just for it to come down enough for them to send me home. The day of my induction right at 38 weeks, I got to the hospital and insisted on being wheeled up to L&D. They were acting like I was being a prissy princess, but I was just so d o n e with everything. Well turns out that was the right decision, because once they got me hooked up they saw that my BP had finally popped over the threshold! They tested my blood and my pee and yep, I'd finally gotten pre-e.

So they started me on a magnesium drip, a pitocin drip, and broke my waters. Then I just waited all day. Finally around midnight contractions really picked up and the boys were born within the hour. Everyone is happy and healthy now, 3.5 years later :)

My only caution is that if you wind up on a magnesium drip, or think you might, you'll feel really hot when when the room is cold. So pack accordingly, like maybe a portable fan or something, and don't be afraid to demand anything you need to cool down.

@nikki_virginia I’m hoping mine stays borderline for as long as possible. I think knowing things can change overnight is what’s scaring me. I would like to make it to 34 weeks at the very least which is still on the early side. And I’ve got a ways to go until I get there!!

Thanks for the tip about the magnesium drip. I heard it was the worst.
@readingdad just here to say that i saw stars intermittently quite often through my pregnancy but my OB was never worried as my urine was always fine and my BP wouldn’t stay too high for very long periods of time. but i also have white coat syndrome.. my BP was always more normal when i took it at home away from the dr.

breathe, relax, stay calm, as long as you’re keeping a close eye on your body, communicating with your medical team, it’s going to be okay. you got this!
@louise1700 Yeah I haven’t been too worried either because it’s been so intermittent and some vision changes are normal in pregnancy. That’s what’s scary, is that I don’t know what’s normal and what’s concerning! Ugh. Thank you though. I appreciate it.