F U one liners for more kids

@mcc873 I have a 7 week old and I when people ask me this I say.

“Once I fit back in my old jeans” and people usually get uncomfortable 😂

Or I say
“Well… I didn’t even want this baby so probably no more”

I 100% planned and wanted my son. I think it’s so crazy asking someone when they will have more especially a first time mom because we don’t know what the next week or even month will be like. How will we know if we want more so soon?? These past 7 weeks I have went from “no more” to “maybe another” just from seeing my baby smile for the first time!
@kurbatskiy I have 3 rescue dogs and I always say “we’re not sure we’re keeping you!” (We’ve had them for 8, 7, and 4 years— they’re not going anywhere) but AMAZING to imply for the kid and make the rude and nosy relatives STFU!
@mcc873 "We're still deciding if we want to bring another little dictator into the world."

"We're practicing restraint after realizing how much sleep we're losing with just one."

"We're trying to figure out if we can handle another tiny tyrant ruling our lives."

"We're debating if we want to double our chances of never sleeping again."

"We're still debating if we want to roll the dice on another tiny terror."

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