F the cult-like following of certain carrier brands (Happy Baby)

@immanuelsdottir I'm in a few non brand specific BST groups and I see them usually going for $50 in play condition and $100 for excellent used. But I think the group specifies that they can't be listed for at or above retail.
@immanuelsdottir It got a lot better in the fall of 2021, once they introduced rolling restocks. But they just announced they had to switch sewing houses and didn’t order new fabric for their spring colors so the market picked back up again, unfortunately. There for a while they had stock sitting on their website and resale was less than retail. It definitely sucks, but it ebbs and flows.
@immanuelsdottir Yeah some of those collectors are insane. I have had tried many carriers and happy baby is definitely my most comfortable. I have one original and one onbuhimo (I think I miss spelled that) and I love them both. My baby does too. He gets so excited and starts flailing his arms when I get them out. I got my onbuhimo second hand like days before they announced production issues. So it was a lucky buy.
@immanuelsdottir I know! It’s super intimidating. Blew my mind. Can’t believe how many colours and types of carriers people have. I can get my head around having one of each type of carrier but not sure why all the different colors. I haven’t posted on the group yet as I got my second hand HB carrier by buying off my local library. Will your local library sell to you potentially?

I plan to buy a Happy Baby onbuhimo at some point as I just had my second and like the idea of a high back carry so I can tend to toddler without a front load. Currently just have a revolution. I have seen where people post on the Facebook group with their budget and what they’re looking for (colour group, carrier type,etc) to have carrier owners make them offers for carriers they want to sell. The poster has first dibs on any offers made. I think I’m going to use this strategy for when I want to buy, seems much less stressful and have seen where people seem to get good deals. Will be studying up on all the acronyms first 😂, but that method may be an idea for you to get your hands on a carrier.
@immanuelsdottir I know! It’s super intimidating. Blew my mind. Can’t believe how many colours and types of carriers people have. I can get my head around having one of each type of carrier but not sure why all the different colors. I haven’t posted on the group yet as I got my second hand HB carrier by buying off my local library. Will your local library sell to you potentially?

I plan to buy a Happy Baby onbuhimo at some point as I just had my second and like the idea of a high back carry so I can tend to toddler without a front load. Currently just have a revolution. I have seen where people post on the Facebook group with their budget and what they’re looking for (colour group, carrier type,etc) to have carrier owners make them offers for carriers they want to sell. The poster has first dibs on any offers made. I think I’m going to use this strategy for when I want to buy, seems much less stressful and have seen where people seem to get good deals. Will be studying up on all the acronyms first 😂, but that method may be an idea for you to get your hands on a carrier.
@immanuelsdottir This doesn’t surprise me. I remember leaving my first babywearing playdate in tears after driving five hours. All I wanted to do was find the “perfect” carrier. The event organizer told me I should just keep on buying baby carriers until I find one I liked. after leaving, I was heartbroken and frustrated, which created a passion in me, and I was teaching babywearing for about 10 years. I always try to help carriers that are good quality and affordable. One of my favourite buckle carriers to this day is boba.
@immanuelsdottir Yep to all of it. I've been wanting to try one because I have tried many other brands and so far tulas are our favorite but I like that HBC seems to be more compact and Breathable. But, alas, I am poor