F**k viruses

@mynameishephzibah Immune system damage from covid. Everyone can stay strong by wearing well-fitted N95s, advocating for clean indoor air in schools/daycares etc, and avoiding further damage from repeat covid infections.

Otherwise, I'm sorry, but this cumulative damage will likely disable you and your children.
@mynameishephzibah I feel ya fellow parent
My 2 year old has RSV, and we are on day 5
I just now caught it and have a fever.
I really don't want to deal with taking care of my
2 year old while sick myself again.
It always happens that way though.
Darn dinoland we took her too lol
@mynameishephzibah This was us last year! It was awful. I was so overwhelmed with trying to clean but either I was sick and had no energy to clean or a child was sick and all my attention was on them. Eventually we hired a cleaning crew to come in to clean and sanitize everything and we finally broke the cycle but it was rough for a while.
@mynameishephzibah We all just had a nasty virus of some kind, negative for Covid. It was a slow burn too. Started with a little bit of a sore throat on and off for a few days and then the congestion started and lasted for a while. Oh also viral conjunctivitis! Luckily the kids weren’t hit as hard as my husband and I. I’m still recovering from a sinus infection. And I’m breastfeeding so I can’t take any decongestants.
@mark45 Yeah, it doesn't even have to be covid that gets you anymore. Anyone that has had a prior covid infection may is not more susceptible to infections that normally your body wouldn't have a problem with. On Good Morning America when discussing the rise of respiratory illnesses (00:58 of video) “We now have evidence that covid decreases our immune response which makes us more susceptible to infection…”
@mark45 Luckily we didn’t have any fevers. I was mostly worried about my 4 month old because I thought i might have had Rsv, but all she had was a little congestion and mucus for a few days, and mostly just in the morning. And I was so paranoid with the conjunctivitis and everyone touching their eyes!
@mynameishephzibah I've been sick for three weeks. Two days ago I thought finally I'm recovering and then yesterday new sore throat, new night sweats, and new fatigue. I'm tapping out and letting my husband do the parenting and I feel so guilty but I just want to sleep.