F**k canine teeth!


New member
Last time my almost 17 month old was teething, she was getting 7 teeth all at once—2 lower incisors, one upper incisor, and all four first molars. I thought the misery couldn’t possibly get worse than that.

Now she is getting ONE canine tooth and we are all a thousand times more miserable than we were with the 7. Last night was the second time in a week that she wouldn’t sleep for over 3 hours after I put her to bed in favor of screaming instead. Ibuprofen an hour before bed did nothing. Cooling drops and Orajel did nothing. A small dose of Tylenol combined with sheer exhaustion 2.5 hours in seemed to do the trick.

Nights like last night make me wish I would have gone to get my Xanax prescription back after I willingly gave it up cold turkey when I found out I was pregnant.
@msa111 My youngest is currently cutting all 4 of those damned k9 teeth all at once and has been the most insufferable stage 5 screamin clinger the entire time. Thankfully it looks like these are the last ones for a while but good god almighty I’m OVER it I feel you!!!!
@msa111 Oh, mama. Mine did that too. Hang in there!

If you can get them, I highly recommend the Hyland teething tablets enough! (both day and nighttime versions). Obviousl,y check with your pediatrician to make sure your little one isn't allergic to any of the holistic ingredients. Amazon carries them, as well as Target and some other grocery stores. Use them as directed on the package. There was a time many years ago when these included belladonna- they no longer do. Just in case you start googling and have the shock of your life.

Good luck mama! It'll be in the rear view mirror soon!
@msa111 Oh man. My dude finally just sprouted his final canine tooth 2 weeks ago. Every single other tooth has been okay, even when he got 3 first molars all at once and the fourth a few days later. A little grouchy but nothing too wild.

But these canines. Holy shit. His sleep, blissfully, wasn't affected, but every single second he was awake was absolutely miserable.

Sidenote: Orajel is actually not recommended for children (even the kid stuff) simply because they drool so much it isn't even worth it and they get little to no relief.

Anyway. I pray these teeth come quickly for you. I also hope for us both that the second molars go smoother.
@msa111 Canines we’re the absolute worst for us and I swear it took two f-ing months for all four to finally cut through. He was miserable and by default, so were we.
@msa111 Right there with ya. I think we have 2 or 3 coming in right now and my 18 month old has been fussy beyond belief day and night despite all my best efforts. Can’t last forever right 🫠☠️