Experience with PlanB


New member
So I’m usually on the combination pill, but for that week when I don’t have my period I’m always scared to have sex afterwards when I continue the birth control. I don’t trust that it immediately starts back up after my period like they say lol.

Anyways, I took a plan b, got my period a little later. It stopped, I continued my birth control. ON say 7 of birth control I had sex and now it’s been about a month or more and I haven’t had my period.

I’m a nervous person. I take pregnancy tests randomly, just for relief. I know there’s a low chance I’m pregnant, even as I’m writing this.

I’m asking- is it normal for an emergency contraception to effect someone’s period the way it has mine?

I.e. making it come on suddenly and then not come back for a while? Pls help I’m not knowledgeable with this stuff and Google is so useless.