Experience stopping progesterone suppositories?


New member
I’m on pregnancy 5, 1 living child. Currently 8w1d. Had brown watery discharge at 6w4d. Saw baby with a HB of 153 at 7w1d.

Some background: I had a miscarriage at 9w4d on 12/1. Conceived first cycle after period returned, positive test 1/16 and we had a consult with an RE scheduled to discuss recurrent pregnancy loss. During our consult, since I had just found out I was again pregnant, my RE called in progesterone suppositories for me before even checking my bloodwork. Simply because of the recent studies showing it can help in cases of 3 or more miscarriages. My progesterone levels ended up coming back just fine without supplements. At 10DPO it 21.1, at 19DPO it was 32.2 - neither supplemented and she said they were simply looking for values over 15. I asked if I should still take the progesterone because my levels were fine, and she said “up to you, won’t hurt anything”. I decided not to take them, initially, because my last MC was confirmed chromosomal and my MC before that was a missed miscarriage - baby stopped growing at 6w and ended up needing miso to pass it at 10w4d because I had zero spotting or cramping (so, progesterone has presumably not been my issue).

Fast forward and at 6w4d I had one episode of brown watery discharge after lifting weights at the gym. I freaked out and started the progesterone that night. 7w1d we had our first ultrasound and there was a pretty small SCH, less than 1cm. Progesterone came back at 42 this time and I’ve found mixed results online as to how much serum results are affected by vaginal suppositories. Most everything I read said very little makes it to the blood stream as it’s absorbed quickly directly by the uterus and vagina. Now, there are studies that progesterone combined with ALA can help heal SCHs. So I continued taking them. However, they make me feel like absolute crap. So tired, dizzy, I feel like I can’t function at work and I also have a 3 year old daughter.

So, after reading a bunch about luteal-placental shift and that it occurs by 7w and a lot of clinics recommend stopping progesterone after a heartbeat is detected - I decided to start weaning off them at 8w. My RE said they would have me stop them cold turkey anyway after my next scan, which they originally said would be 8w but due to scheduling it couldn’t be scheduled till 9w.

So, I didn’t take my morning dose yesterday and then I spotted more brown watery discharge in the evening. I did pick up my 3 year old and carried her for a bit after she fell on ice at the park, and I had been avoiding lifting her prior to this. So now I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence, since both times I spotted it was after heavy lifting, or if it’s related to the progesterone.

Did anyone have withdrawal spotting from stopping progesterone suppositories and everything turn out ok?

I messaged my RE and they said just let them know if it gets heavier and keep my appointment for next week.

I’ve read that after 7w, if the placenta isn’t making sufficient progesterone by that point then it’s a non-viable pregnancy anyway and after two miscarriages back to back after 9w, I don’t want to prolong the process if it’s going to happen anyway.

On the flip side, I don’t want to harm anything if it’s a viable pregnancy. And if it’s just normal spotting then I really want to stop the supplementation because it makes me feel like crap.

Just looking for experience with what other people went through if they stopped the progesterone suppositories prior to 12w?
@inquirer17 I had withdrawal bleeding upon stopping! I got scared and got back on it but like you noted- either the placenta is working or not so I got off again. Has a couple days of brown spotting and then it was done.
@inquirer17 I had a luteal phase defect and I stopped cold turkey at 10 weeks per my RE’s advice. I was actually really nervous about it because my progesterone was low each time it was checked, but after I stopped everything was fine. No bleeding or any other issues. I am currently 17+4 and everything is still going well so far (fingers crossed anatomy scan goes well in two weeks).
@inquirer17 I stopped at 9 weeks on my REs advice. No issues and all is good. When I took them orally my levels were over 40. I switched to vaginally around halfway through and they dropped down to 20. So I dont think vaginal affects blood levels at all.

Exercise caused spotting for me early in pregnancy so it could just be the lifting.