Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Am I?

@tisanewseason omg i feel you!
solidarity! mine is 2,5 years and i still nap with her, nursing, cuddling.. i really don’t mind it in fact i have learned to enjoy it now that i know we might stop the together napping and nighttime cuddles soon! :( im (still) not ready yet lol

when she was your LOs age, i would let these comments get to me and made me feel bad, stressed and pressured me to try and try to get her to sleep independently. tried to wean her off the sleepnursing which ended in sleep deprivation and anger/frustration.. so i had to learn to trust my intuition and stop listening to the opinions of people that have zero awareness for those sensitive, light sleepers that need a lot more closeness and love then they think.. it often comes from people who have no kids themselves. or people with „easy“ babies/toddlers, who just fall asleep when they’re tired.
@sidi Some of my mum friends have babies who they just seem to be able to pat on the bum, fall asleep, transfer to pram 🤯 while I watch in awe! Literal awe! There’s no way on Earth my daughter is falling asleep with anything less than a magnitude 9 rocking on the yoga ball and a nipple in the mouth. I wish you plenty more time & cuddles wirh your baby girl 🥰
@tisanewseason Honestly, just appreciate the closeness while you can. My son was born small and needed donor milk from a bottle. He ended up with nipple confusion and will no longer latch at the breast. I exclusively pump and would give anything to just feed him on the breast and have that closeness with him. Savor every moment. They won’t be little or need you like this forever.
@papajp I’m really so sorry if it seemed like I’m not greatful. I absolutely am and just so you know I’m genuinely not being flippant, it took the first 12 weeks for us to get to a good place with breastfeeding. Baby girl was born with severe grade 3 tongue tie which was lasered at 2 weeks; I was told I’d have to give up breastfeeding and was completely heartbroken. We managed to push through - mainly due to oversupply she was able to get enough milk in very short bursts - it was excruciating physically and mentally, and my heart really does go out to anyone who wasn’t able to breastfeed. In fact, your comment has reminded me of our tough start and strengthened my resolve to tell people where to shove it when they question me. Thank you. I hope you and baby are doing ok ❤️
@tisanewseason Oh I didn’t mean for it to come off harsh! I meant it exactly how you took it—as a reminder. People’s opinions won’t turn the clock back when the moment has passed. As far as I’m concerned, they can shove it and let you care for your baby how you see fit. You know your baby best and if that’s what she needs, who cares! Laundry and chores will always be there but she will only be like this for so long ❤️

And thank you! We’re great for the most part. He’s 9 weeks now and I do wonder sometimes how things would be if I could just help him latch but I’m just happy I can feed him from my body in some way.
@tisanewseason Can you wear her?

You also can cut down to 1 nap.

Lastly, you can rock her while nursing, unlatch and keep rocking her til she falls asleep. Then slowdown the rocking, then eventually stop altogether. This could be done in a few days. Not all at once.
@ellann2 I wear her if I’m out for the day yeah, but most of the time I’m home for her naps - she sleeps better & longer at home & I have to stand if I’m wearing her which is tiring now for a full nap. She’s getting heavy!

I tried to drop her down to one nap recently actually but she’s not quite ready yet!