Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Am I?

@hanna123 You’re most welcome 🙏 I’m in the UK so I would say we’re not totally too far off each other’s experiences but definitely the US is on the extreme side of things.

You smell your baby girl’s hair mama; you made that! 🥰😘
@tisanewseason I'm in the same boat as you at 8 months and we get the same comments. Every nap is a suckling contact nap and its what works for us other than carrier naps when we're out and about. Hugs and solidarity to you, mama.
@tisanewseason You’re not mental.

You’re a devoted mum.

We contact napped for over 2 years. They’ve all their lives to nap independently. I wrote the time off from a housework/me times perspective as that’s how I coped with being ‘nap trapped’. Our son also coslept til he was almost 3.

Your postpartum period is 7 years, not 3 months after giving birth. Lean in to what you feel is best for you and baby, everything else is background noise and if that’s not paying your bills it’s not worth your time ❤️

I also breastfed til 15 months. COVID baby, VERYYYY attached to us as parents and rightly so

Highly recommend reading ‘the book you wish your parents had read’ as well
@katrina2017 Thank you so much for sharing your experience; I read this as she’s nestled asleep under my armpit and it feels so right. I manage to drown out the comments most of the time, but it wears you down after a while. I really appreciate your input, and book recommendation, I’ve just downloaded it. Thank you
@tisanewseason On weekends I still do contact maps w my 2.5 y old and he still nurses at night. Anyone who doesn’t like it can shut up. Now my husband is getting very needy so sometimes I end up being touched by one of them all day it’s exhausting. When my son was only one we were at a holiday home w my MIL and she kindly offered to sleep train him. Haha NO absolutely not. So she’s been thinking I’m nuts for at least a year and a half but i dgaf
@beardedbloke 😂😂😂 i love your brutality, excellent 😂 I promised myself I’d get more vocal & confident this year. Love that you’re contact napping at 2.5 I see no situation in which my baby girl won’t be doing the same! The mama / wife split is definitely a tough one. Very occasionally I just want to peel my skin off lmao
@tisanewseason We contact napped but not that long. Breastfed to sleep til 20 months though. Although it’s not what I did I don’t think you’re crazy or wrong. Always go with your instincts and what works for you. If it’s working keep going. No one else has to live your life so their comments don’t matter. I probably would have contact napped for longer if I didn’t have to work.
@tisanewseason 16 month old has only ever contact napped. He did also sleep in the stroller/car seat, but only for 28 minutes (exactly…it was kind of bizarre).

He is going to daycare in a few weeks where he will be expected to sleep independently. I am not changing anything at home. I am soaking up the contact naps and the last little bit of my maternity leave.

But I never got much done. I did everything I could while he was awake or when my husband was around on weekends.

I did read a ton though! And binge watched quite a few shows hahaha.
@jesusloverlady That’s funny because mine HATES the car seat but I’ve managed to get her up to exactly 28 minutes as long as my husband is driving so I can sit in the back sneaking her little snacks 😂

I hope everything goes well for your transition to daycare, F the system and keep those snuggley contact naps going 🥰

I’m also very impressed that you got some reading in!!
@tisanewseason Mom of a 15 month old who sleeps with nip in mouth. If it works for you keep doing it. Most things like that ive found are said out of jealousy. They wish they could have, so in their misery they try to bring you down too. Keep your head up you're doing great
@nhoj I totally agree. Which is sad for them but very frustrating for us. You know when you know it’s right, but you get questioned so many times you start to think maybe you’re the problem? Thanks for sharing & validating 🙏
@tisanewseason My cousin held her daughter after one year for her whole nap. Baby was weaned but still wanted to be held. So she just rolls with it. They just had a second and she hasn’t expressed anything being awful. So my guess is they’ve just figured it out. I’m sorry you’re getting those comments!!