Everyone thinks I’m crazy. Am I?

@tisanewseason This is us too! I do unlatch her though because I get very uncomfortable in the same position, but she’ll keep her little hand on top of me 🥺

I don’t get as much done as I’d like but I’m also a SAHM and my partner is very understanding and encourages the bonding and secure attachment, even if he gets jealous at times.
@godslawismylaw Omgosh yes when their little hand is just.. there! 🥰 it’s so sweet

I’ve offered to my husband to lie with us and we can watch something on his phone with headphones in while she naps but he’s left me to it; would your partner be up for that maybe?
@tisanewseason You’re welcome! We’re at 22m going strong with BF and cosleeping. Many of my friends are not likeminded so it’s great to find those who are, even if it’s just on Reddit!! 💛
@brianp24 I’m in the same position, I don’t know where I’d be without this sub! Probably would have checked myself into an asylum somewhere, the amount people like to make out that I’m the crazy one. Without you guys, they may have managed to convince me 😅
@tisanewseason Pfft. Ignore them. My daughter is 19 months she’s only ever contacted napped. My husband would say some of these same things and tried to push laying her down for naps but I pushed back. She’s only this little once, and I’ll be damned if I’m not going to soak up every moment of snuggle I get. I don’t know any adults that contact nap with their parents sooo when the time is right for you, you can make that choice.
@brian5856 This is us too! My partner sees all his friends doing it differently and has tried to dissuade me too but honestly, I like the downtime and it’s such a short time in the grand scheme of things
@tisanewseason Mine is just 5 months old, but we still exclusively contact nap. However, she is able to nap on the go, which I feel is important for my mental sanity so I’m not stuck at home.

Does she nap when you babywear? My girl naps in the carrier, and as of recently she is able to nap in the stroller but unfortunately it does take some crying.

We go out in the stroller and she is fine, but starts crying when she’s ready to nap. I pick her up, rock her and sing to her (yes, in the middle of the street lol), and put her back down in the stroller once she’s calm again. Sometimes this process takes 3-4 times and then she eventually falls asleep and takes 1-2 hour long naps.

I have to do this because I’m not able to babywear much (have prolapse) but my husband can, so she naps in the carrier with him. She will not nap in her crib at all, although she does sleep well in her crib at night.

Honestly, you do you. When she contact naps at home, I use that time to relax, scroll, watch something with headphones. It’s “me” time and I have embraced it. We had people over yesterday and they thought it was funny my husband had to wear her for her nap inside our home, instead of putting her in the crib. But she slept, and we all continued our conversation in the living room without any issue.
@squirrel123 Yes! We’ve always done carrier naps too both when I’m out and when we have guests over, but much less frequently now because she’s so much heavier and her naps are longer. It’s doable for a one-off but not on a regular basis. She’s not a big baby by any means, and I have a brilliant carrier which is super soft and padded; I use it every day, but this mama just needs to lie down and chill for naps now ☺️❤️

I’m really sorry to hear about your prolapse btw, how awful, I don’t know much about the effects but I hope you’re managing well 💕
@tisanewseason My baby is the same way. However she’s the same way alll night long so I’m suffering a lot. If this works for you ignore the comments! It works for you and your baby and it certainly won’t go on forever. A lot of people can’t make it work, it’s good that you can. The pressure comes from our society having other priorities.

I don’t mind the daytime contact naps—yes productivity takes a hit, but it’s a good time to scroll catch up on emails or meditate. But the nighttime nursing to sleep and nursing all night long while bed sharing is slowly killing me.

ETA: also typed this with my 13 month old latched and suckling during a contact nap in her travel crib, where presumably I could safely leave her but most of the time if I move she wakes up within 5-10 minutes.
@vinhhali Oh I feel you, mine is exaacccttllyyy the same at night, I’m laying here at 1:45am and she’s been back on the boob since midnight. She does sleep unlatched at night but it’s in between longggg periods of sleep feeding. It’s the lying in one position that gets me but I try to mix it up between each boob and find different positions. Sending you solidarity 💕
@tisanewseason I contact napped, nursed to sleep, and nursed on demand until my toddler was 27 months, including during my second pregnancy. Then I opted to wean her from daytime feeds and only contact nap/nurse to sleep. We were also cosleeping so I nursed her when she needed soothing at night as well. Eventually, when I tried to wean her from nursing during naps, she just refused to nap and dropped them entirely.

In November, when she was 2.5 and I was 8 months pregnant, we moved her into her own room. We had been preparing her for months, had her big girl bed since September, reading books, etc. I nursed her to sleep in her bed I think 4 nights that week? Only if she asked for milk. And she would need soothing getting back to sleep at night, but that was it. I didn’t have to go through some awful weaning process.

She’s been sleeping in her own room since then, all night, and will wake up maybe once or twice a night and need help a few times a week. But 75% of the time she’s fine all night.
@rad We’re also breastfeeding on demand & cosleeping at night so this is a great journey to hear about, thank you! How’s your toddler been doing since your second arrived?
@tisanewseason She’s doing pretty well! She did have some regression. I let her nurse with the baby about a handful of times but then I stopped (she was pissed about that but she’s doing good now). She also went back to using a paci during the day, but we only let it slide for about a week, then we stopped it. She uses the paci to get to sleep but that’s really it now.

Thankfully she’s a fan of the baby most of the time! She is a big mama’s girl, so when she wants me, she’ll tell me to give the baby to dad. We’re working on it 😂 but she asks to hold her little sister every day, she wants to play with her, and sometimes will just cuddle her or hold her hand. It’s so sweet, I love it.
@rad It sounds like it’s going pretty smoothly so far!! And how are you doing? Is it possible to love your second as much as your first? I can’t imagine having this much love twice 🥰 I think my heart would explode