EFF, c-section and micro biome?


New member
FTM, 37+2 (located in US, Florida)

I have a question about c-sections and micro biome when exclusively formula feeding. As of now baby girl is still in breech position so OB is scheduling a c-section in case she doesn’t turn. It didn’t occur to me how babies develop their micro biome during natural delivery, or if having a c-section then through breastmilk.

Since I’m planning on EFF, with probable c-section, how does her micro biome develop when she’s a newborn? Does it just start developing as she gets older? Do I need to feed colostrum (if possible) at the hospital so she gets some of the bacteria from me?

I read there’s a swab they can take from me at the hospital to introduce her to my bacteria so her gut biome will develop, but not sure if that is a standard practice that hospitals do or if I need to request it.

We have an OB appointment scheduled for tomorrow as well so I’ll be asking my OB the same questions, just wasn’t sure if anyone else here had this concern also.

Any insights would be appreciated!
@nyguy86 Honestly I don’t know but I can tell you my emergency c-section baby is the heartiest of all my friend’s kids. Daycare bugs are rampant and in six months he has only gotten sick twice and experienced symptoms for less than 24 hours both times. I only say this to say lack of vaginal birth does not necessarily mean your child will have a weaker immune system than a vaginally birthed baby.
@olisaemeka Thank you for your input! I guess we both just want to give her the best chance no matter which way she comes into the world.

I’m a fairly healthy person who doesn’t get sick often, maybe get a cold once a year, whereas my husband has allergies to a couple things and picks up colds easily (ex: we’re both vaccinated against the lot but he got covid 3x and I didn’t get it at all), but I also have Crohn’s Disease and my immune system likes to kick into overdrive so that could play a part too.
@nyguy86 I had a c section and a formula fed from birth baby and this just… wasn’t an issue? I didn’t do anything special. He turns 1 tomorrow and is just fine.
@tadake Thanks! This topic didn’t even come up until we took a birthing class - they mentioned how babies get their gut bacteria during birth, and how if breastfeeding baby could also get gut bacteria exposure from that. Didn’t occur to me until 2 weeks later that I could/would be doing none of those things.
@nyguy86 Pretty much all of what gets communicated to expectant moms is unscientific mumbo jumbo. The small portion that is true has very little actual impact for healthy, full term babies. Don’t fret, and good luck! 😃
@nyguy86 Yeah, you can pretty much ignore anything mentioned in the context of "breastfeeding is vital". It is not. Sibling studies have shown this.

If you're looking for anecdotes, I also had a c-section and EFF. Bub is a healthy 7 month old who's been sick for 1 day in his entire life so far. As opposed to my EBF friends' kids who seem to be sick regularly and both ended up in the hospital for viral infections. I don't know why, but I do know EFF and c-section delivery didn't give my baby any health disadvantages.
But really - some colostrum will be great and your baby will still have lots of immunity for the first few months just from all the antibodies you share from your placenta.

Vaginal seeding (swab from your vagina smeared on babies face) is not standard practice and not currently recommended. https://www.whattoexpect.com/pregnancy/c-section-seeding

Your baby will be fine - plenty of muddy play and a varied diet! :)
@nyguy86 I was a C-section + formula baby 32 years ago. My only major health issue is that I lean a bit constipated on average, lol. The microbiome thing is not total nonsense as there are some benefits to breastfeeding of course, but IMO they are minor enough to not be worth worrying about if EFF is otherwise the right choice for your family.

I did personally think giving the baby colostrum was worth the effort, even though I ended up formula feeding pretty soon after leaving the hospital. I would probably intentionally combo feed from the start next time though just bc the little bit of colostrum is often not enough and they can lose too much weight and it’s stressful af. I also might just hand express next time bc getting baby to latch was a whole PITA and not worth it if I’m not planning to breastfeed afterward.