Double umbrella stroller reds for big (>40 lb) 3 y.o. twins


New member
Hi all. we're about to go on a month long international trip with our 3 y.o. twins, and will need to have a lightweight-ish stroller since the place we're going is very walking heavy.

The thing is our kids are massive. They've always been on the tall/hefty side and weight about 40 lbs each. They are good about walking, but during times when we have to rush between places or if they start to wind down, we feel like we need a double stroller.

the thing is most double umbrellas have a laughably small weight limit, like 30-35 lbs per seat. The only one we could find is the g-link 2 by uppababy which has a limit of 55 lbs per seat.

Should we be getting two single strollers instead? or any other suggestions? Thanks!
@am1inside The Zoe Twin+ has a 45lb limit per seat and the Valco Slim Twin is 48lbs per seat. I have a Valco (different model, the snap duo trend) and fly with it constantly and love it! For two bigger kids, a true umbrella stroller sounds difficult. I’d want something that is fairly smooth to push when thinking about hills, uneven pavement, cobble stones or whatever else you may encounter.
@straykat Thanks, I guess I was thinking of an umbrella stroller for portability sake, as we already have a giant double stroller. The valco looks like a possible option, but man is it expensive. Already spent $600 on our first stroller, don't want to do that again if we can help it!