Don’t expect your babies to do things they haven’t been shown


New member
Sounds stupid when you read that tittle but it applied to me recently , constantly i over analyse my 10 month old and read what she should and should not be doing.

In my weekly reading recently I saw my baby should be gesturing in forms of waving and able to clap… I then concerned she hadn’t done those things discussed with my partner and she thankfully said ‘why would she clap or wave her hands if she’s never actually seen someone do this, or actually had time spent showing her’

Taken about 3 days of maybe 5/10 min sessions of singing some nursery rhymes with claps and she’s none stop clapping now and she also is waving bye to everyone after us putting im some time to show her.

As I say it sounds stupid but In case any other idiots out there like me are expecting their babies to just do stuff without being shown….
@cph My kid is 15 months and had yet to nod his head “no” so obviously I spent a ton of time googling if this was a problem. I realized I never shook my head “no” at him and decided to change that. Literally a day later he started shaking his head “no”. I’m still not sure whether this was a mistake or not.
@freddyfreddo I spent a 1 week period really focused on helping my 1st born crawl. I was so damn proud of myself when she crawled.

Then I was so mad at myself because she crawled.... Everywhere... All the time... Non stop.

@katrina2017 What thing was you doing to help crawling? My girl does a weird half crawl thing to get around and doesn’t do the typical upper body arms extended style. I set her things around the room to move towards but is there other things you can give tips on
@cph Thats a bit of a loaded question because I tried a TON of things.

I crawled a lot around her to show her how crawling was supposed to look.

I think the biggest thing I did was put her in the crawl position and help move her hands and legs while I supported her core (hands on the stomach to help keep her in the crawl position) and helped move her legs and hands so its sort of like me being a puppet master lol.

This was not a quick thing. I did this in little 2 to 5 min batches when I started to see frustration from the little one i'd stop and just play or let her be. But a whole lot of me puppet master her crawling and a whole lot more of me crawling by example.

I've read some kids don't crawl though, if they're mobile they're mobile. Some have a scoot method, or a reverse crawl, or a roll method. Some kids skip crawling and go right to standing and ultimately walking lol its all over the place.

I was just in between jobs at the time and had a couple of months at home so I took a stab at helping her crawl.

Don't put too much pressure on yourself for getting yours to crawl though, it'll happen, or it won't and either way is probably fine.
@katrina2017 Ours found the reverse gear first. Was super fucking funny for a few days. She'd suddenly start crying, and you'd be bewildered looking everywhere, and she's managed to back herself under the TV stand or dinner table.

Then we moved her out and she was happy until she backed into the next obstacle.
What's the rush anyway? By the time you get to your third or fourth kid you want them to not crawl for as long as possible LOL cuz then it's another moving part to keep track of 🤷🏼‍♂️
@jdanedgar No need to rush.. enjoy the time they're immobile while you ca, because once it's gone, it's gone forever. Everyone figures it out eventually.. have you ever heard of anyone who didn't learn how to walk? Lol
@a43 I was really happy when she started moving, because the month before that she was so bored. She wanted to be in your arms and you had to show her stuff, and she'd point where she wanted to go next. Couldn't put her down or it was angry screams.

All day, every day.

Then she started moving on her own and it was so much easier.
@cph She'll get there. My daughter slither crawled for a good 6 weeks before she figured out how to get up on her knees. Seeing other kids at daycare probably helped.
@freddyfreddo My kid did that for a bit, at EVERYTHING, not just what she’d dislike. She was around 10 months and would babble like “nenenenene“ while doing it (and then subsequently collapse with laughter). So cute, and so hilarious.

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