Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

@hakoa My daughter had something that sounds similar. Turned out to be a slight yeast infection due to her diet. Nothing crazy, just had to use a topical cream for a couple days and it was good as gone
@hakoa Of it is herpes someone could have rubbed their cold sore or fever blister and then changed a diaper. It’s great that you are making sure she’s not been abused but it could be something as simple as that.

My prayer is that it’s not herpes.
@hakoa I can't believe the doctor asked about abuse like that. I know they were trying to be helpful but they should absolutely have gotten the test results before saying that. Geez
@hakoa My son gets yeast infection diaper rashes in his butt crack that kind of spread up through his groin on either side and it’s super red with little pimples and we use nystatin, mucipricon, and hydrocortisone on it and it goes away. So maybe it is just a yeast infection or a staph infection.
@hakoa My baby had an eye infection the first weeks of life and first thing doctor said, hmmm probably syphilis or gonorrhea. I've only slept with partner and was checked 4 weeks before birth for those and came clear. Which meant he'd have been cheating. He turned put negative for those and she caused a cold in my relationship. I was like why would you say that
@hakoa My kiddo had bumps with white pustules and I specifically mentioned HSV to the doc since my sister let my kid touch her cold sore (SMH), doc refused to swab and diagnosed with HFM. Spoke with some colleagues who said HFM commonly presents on genital area. Also pretty hard to distinguish without swbbing.

Hopefully all ends well. Also like others said, HSV type is not location specific. Hopefully your LO heals up soon.
@hakoa I have learned over time to just ignore their "suspect" ideas and only listen to the facts and results of tests. If no one has herpes then she doesn't have herpes. And her being a baby it's kind of unlikely it would ONLY be in her diaper area. Its most likely a really bad diaper rash perhaps from being allergic to an acidic juice.
@hakoa Yeah spoke with our family child care specialist and they said the herpes (don’t know what type) is pretty common with newborns. Never knew that.
@hakoa This sounds so irresponsible and alarmist! I've worked in daycare, as a nanny, and have children of my own. Bacterial and fungal diaper rashes are quite common. They are often treated with antibiotic or antifungal/yeast infection type prescription diaper creams. The rashes tend to look like soars or raised bumps. I'm so sorry this happened to you. I would seriously consider finding a new pediatrician if this happened to me! That's quite an assumption with no test results present!