Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

@standforever No the bacterial came back for Enterococcus faecalis but she said that bacteria lives in our guts so perhaps they swabbed too close to the anus? HSV results are not in yet, seeing as how they had to re-do them. Tomorrow should be day 4 of waiting and she said she’ll call me with further results. She prescribed nystatin and mupirocin and she said if it doesn’t get better with either of those then we are probably looking at something viral, but until results come back we just won’t know.

I am so unbelievably stressed and fed up. I just want my baby to be comfortable, and I want to know she is safe.
@hakoa Hi OP,

I'm going to be open about the fact I have HSV2. Usually, before an outbreak, there can be flu like symptoms. Did your baby show any symptoms like that?

It sounds like you've been around your baby 100% of the time. Try not to panic, it's most likely a bad nappy rash. The drs are probably just being cautious.
@hakoa My daughter had pimples all over on her diaper area that I thought was a really bad diaper rash and it turned out to be a bacterial infection in her skin. Maybe that’s a possibility?
@hakoa My kid has had fungal and bacterial diaper rashes that had blisters. Like a ring of horrible blisters around his butthole. I’m not a doctor but I’m pretty sure you can’t just tell the origin of the virus/bacteria/fungus just from looking.

So I would be really interested to see what the swabs say.
@hakoa When I worked at a daycare this happened to one of our babies and it ended up being moloscum contagisum! I can't remember exact spelling but it definitely looked like herpes
@hakoa I know this is a year old, but what were her results? An urgent care physician said the same about my daughter last night (under 2). I pressed for a yeast infection swab because she just finished antibiotics less than a week ago, but I’m losing my mind in this waiting phase.
@hakoa I can’t even imagine, I would be losing my mind. That being said, chances are very high that this is not the case. Try not to think of the worst and stay positive. Seems like she is in great hands and just has a very bad diaper rash that potentially got infected or even maybe some allergies?? My LO had the worst rash and once we stopped using wipes ( we use fabric dipped in hot water) and used diapers that were better quality (and lots of naked time!) it got a lot better….
@binojpeter We also had a major unexpected allergy develop to a common diaper and wipe brand. She was fine until suddenly she was not. Upgraded to organic hypoallergenic wipes and diapers and it’s gone away completely. The chemicals in regular diapers especially with dyes can be very irritating to some kids.
@hakoa My daughter had a rash like that as well. It astounds me the ped jumped to that conclusion and TOLD y’all before even getting test results back. That seems cruel to me. I used an anti fungal(prescribed) and covered the area in cornstarch so that her diaper wouldn’t rub and make it worse and so sweat or pee wouldn’t sit on the rash and it cleared up in a day or two. I hope the test comes back negative and you get your little girl all cleared up!
@hakoa I want to put out here that you or your husband or anyone you know could have herpes, and pass it, without knowing they have it. Some people pass it without ever getting an infection. Wait for the swab results. If that comes back positive, I would do my best to get everyone that has been around the baby a blood test for herpes. Good luck.
@hakoa One of my friends, got a horrific staph infection (as an adult) in several areas of her body including the genital region. First doctor she saw was CERTAIN it was herpes, but there was no possibility it could have been. After tests, it was staph.
@hakoa I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this stress. I agree with what others have said in that the pediatrician handled this so badly and shouldn’t have even mentioned herpes unless the swab comes back positive for it. I would be looking for a new pediatrician when the swab comes back.