Doctors think my 1 year old has type 2 herpes. I’m at a loss

@lwyer2013 Same here, the description sounds similar to when my daughter got a yeast infection in her diaper area. Nystatin ointment (not the cream!) has been really helpful for that.
@1love86 We started with miconazole and that didn't work very well, then when we switched to Nystatin it cleared up faster and better than the other one. Putting her on the potty for poops has also helped a lot, we rarely see it anymore
@hakoa Brought our sick daughter to the pediatrician yesterday. They ran a test. Pediatrician talked about the different possibilities and what to do for each, and contingency plans, and “if that doesn’t work, you’ll have to try this, but if that’s the case then watch out for…” …and then the tech came back with the test test results, and the pediatrician basically said, you can ignore 90% of what I just said. It was very confusing and I’d rather have had the pediatrician say nothing until the test came back.

Wait for the test results.
Stay sane however you can until then.
@hakoa My son had what you are describing and it was yeast infection as well, we applied anti fungal cream and it cleared in a couple of days

He does a lot of poop and because of wipes as well the area is left very wet which sometimes causes it
@ann93 My child had exactly what they're describing and it was yeast also. My pediatrician did do swabs though but absolutely never mentioned HSV. With so many potential diagnoses, why worry parents like this?
@ann93 My son also had a yeast infection when he first started sleeping through the night. We tried all kinds of stuff but the anti fungal cream and keeping him dry cleared it up really fast.
@hakoa This could also just be someone who has cold sores touching their mouth and then doing a diaper change. Even before the cold sore came out when they were contagious but didn’t know they had one yet.
@callielovesjesus A lot of people don't think to change diapers with clean hands. Unclean hands can transfer bacteria and fungus, along with viruses, to a very moist environment.

Notice how many times a day you lick you fingers, pick stuff from your teeth, touch your mouth, scratch your nose, etc. Not to mention touch high touch areas (handles, light switches, remotes). Hands are gross.
@azbycudos This has freaked me out, I wash my hands after changing his nappy but not always before. I will definitely be washing them before as well from now on!
@azbycudos Yes! I get cold sores and my biggest fear is transferring them to my babies in any way. I wash my hands, always keep hand sanitizer around, and keep gloves on hand to use if I have any active cold sores. I’m sure that sounds excessive but cold sores suck!
@okwithoutanswers There are some things worth being excessive over. You are doing a good job. My husband and I wipe our cellphones down multiple times a day with antimicrobial wipes too. We have had a couple bad diaper rashes and it's just easier doing prevention and having a kid without an infection.
@hakoa Im so sorry your going the this with your daughter.

As a teenager I had a horrible rash down there and my doctor told me it looked like herpes as well (queue absolute panic of having to tell my parents). They took a sample and it ended up being an exterior yeast infection on the skin. Just because the doctor thinks it looks like one thing isn’t always accurate!
@hakoa I commend you on your dedication to working alternative shifts with your partner, that can’t be easy.

Others have given really solid advice here but I’d echo the surprise that Dr did this - it’s not really appropriate to have handled it this way (especially as I’d bet money it’s a bad diaper rash).
@hakoa Please keep us updated. As a father of a newborn daughter, a lot of crazy words get thrown out by Drs and it’s hard not to
Lazer focus on the real bad ones. I hope it’s something minimal, and you can share your knowledge and experience with us new parents. If not, I completely understand and I will pass along any good energy/prayer to you and your family. Keep strong!
@hakoa My baby just had chickenpox and she got loads of blisters on her bum and vagina, they looked just like herpes sores (i have it myself).
If it turns out to be herpes, it could be a relative who didn't wash their hands properly after for example scratching them selves and then changing her diaper. Hoping nobody hurt your sweet girl, what an awful situation.
@danagirl I mean chickenpox is herpes zoster so same family. There are so many things, so many different viral or fungal infections this could be... I'm shocked at the doctor jumping to conclusions and making a diagnosis that can't be made by the eye!
@hakoa Have you and your husband ever tested? Type 2 is very common and can potentially be passed on at birth. You don’t necessarily know you have herpes. It’s a misconception that herpes is a all the time massive break out. Some don’t have reactions at all.