Doctor wouldn’t prescribe me plan b and I felt dumb for asking


New member
Annoyed. I needed plan b prescribed so I made an appointment with my doctor and she said she couldn’t prescribe it because she’s religious and where she works at is a religious practice and they believe plan b is a way of terminating a life. I wanted to take this plan b as soon as possible and I honestly don’t have the money to spend on it. (For those asking I am really broke right now and wanted to get it prescribed so my insurance can cover it. Where I live plan b is very expensive)
@maximizer Just so you know, what she did it completely unethical and she should be reported. Despite the type of facility she works at, she cannot bring her own personal religion into your treatment and she cannot deny you a prescription just because it goes against her belief.
@lgd If the facility is religious they can deny it. I have a few religious clinics in my area. My previous OB could not insert an Iud at that clinic, but luckily she practiced at a different clinic as well and gave me the address and phone number to schedule it. I want a tubal after this pregnancy, my old hospital would not because they are a catholic run hospital, my new hospital/ OB agreed without argument. I'm so happy our insurance changed to this hospital.
@ravnen Yeah for real, we’re in the process of switching insurance and I’m in search of a new one. No need to put up with that bs. Faith and medical care should be completely separate.
@wilberforce001 A copper IUD can prevent implantation of a fertilised egg, which some fundamentalists believe is equivalent to an abortion.

In fact, pregnancy does not begin until successful implantation has occurred, so it is a contraceptive not an abortifacient.
@joegar007 This is true, but the issue sits with those who base their decisions on religious beliefs, and if their belief is that "pregnancy begins at conception", they can use it. And even after plan B was shown to not prevent implantation or do anything post-ovulation (let alone post conception...), they still use the line in the pamphlet that says that "it may help prevent implantation" to motivate their decision and put birth control and emergency contraception in the same boat as abortifacents. It sucks.
@maximizer Please call your local planned parenthood. They will sell you it for cheaper and often take insurance. If it has been some time since the unprotected sex you may want to consider longer acting emergency contraceptive like the copper IUD.
@maximizer Ew religion has no place in your choice, in Ireland there are no doctors where religion decides what you do, they do the assessment and then give you what you need, get your rosaries off my ovaries is the saying, I hope you can find it somewhere and I hope religion doesn’t mess stuff up for you, I don’t like this whole religion getting in the way of peoples choices and healthcare, it’s 2021
@maximizer Wow! Get a new dr ASAP. That’s now even how Plan B works. Plan B will NOT terminate an existing pregnancy. Report that dr immediately, even report the entire practice, it’s unethical. Religion is garbage.