Do you use a sound machine while bedsharing?


New member
Curious what others do. Baby started sleeping in bed with me at 4 months old and I leave the sound machine on all night just because that’s what we were doing before. She’s now 7 months and tbh I’m not sure if it makes a difference at all. Maybe it helps cover any small noises I make? But I also find myself lowering the volume a bit because I like hearing her little breathing. What does everyone else do?
@funnjng Yes at this point (9.5 mo) it’s more for me than for him 😂

I wake up when it dies!! He continues to sleep soundly. Even my husband who sleeps in a separate room now sleeps with his own sound machine!!
@tmorey7788 We stopped using it because it drove me crazy lol. I tried different sounds and volumes. Started sleeping more peacefully once we stopped. My husband says that I snore so apparently I am the sound machine :(
@mauritian I was getting headaches from our Hatch. Especially early on when I was basically in my room 24/7 in a feed and nap loop, so it was on all the time. I really didn't like it. We just switched to a Dohm, and the actual, mechanical white noise is much more tolerable. Now the hatch is a very expensive red nightlight for us 😂

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