Difficulties Breastfeeding after C Section


New member
Hi everyone! Wanted to reach out if anyone on here has successfully breastfed after a C-section? I’m a first time momma and have been stressed to find out that my baby hasn’t been getting enough milk from me so his pediatrician recommended to top off with formula.

We are on day 9 PP and when I squeeze my boob, I do so a lil bit of milk. I have met with a lactation consultant about triple feeding (breastfeeding, bottle w/ formula, then pumping). I don’t want to seem like a bad mom but I feel like pumping after each feeding session after breastfeeding seems so exhausting and I’m barely getting any sleep. I know I have to also focus on my body going through a major surgery.

Looking for any suggestions to bring milk in or any words of encouragement. Thank you so so much!
@tcr You aren’t a bad mom, whichever way you end up feeding your child. Triple feeding is exhausting. It takes a while for your milk to come in, and it sounds like yours is in and just taking a bit to be enough for your kiddo. Pediatricians are anxious about getting kids back to their birth weight and beyond, so once yours is back there, you can probably start to lay off the triple feeds.

For what it’s worth, I had a c-section and breastfed (and still do) my (now-5 month old) son. The beginning few weeks are really hard. Give yourself some grace and some love.
@tcr Hi there,

Just another person chiming in to say I was in the same boat. Others have covered the main points you were asking about BUT

I just wanted to say that we aren’t taught about how traumatic/difficult deliveries can massively affect our supply and it can take a while for bodies to be in a position where supply is levelled out. Me and my fellow breastfeeding mums who had challenging deliveries all had different challenges, but we all got there and found our way in time.

The main thing I want to say is to please try to be kind to yourself, your body is currently healing from a major abdominal surgery, learning to care for this new baby, AND you are breastfeeding. This is HUGE! I remember it being a completely exhausting time as others have said. I also remember getting to a point where I was being really unkind to myself and I realised no one else was being unkind or judgemental. I had to really listen to my cheerleaders when things were immensely hard.