Did any of y’all lose weight AFTER weaning??


New member
Hey all!

So I’m currently breastfeeding my 8.5 month old…things are going pretty well for the most part. I love breastfeeding! My goal is to make it to a year and I’m almost positive we will make it despite having something of a supply drop around 7 months.

This is a purely vain question but one I NEED to ask!! Everyone told me I would lose all the baby weight fast if I breastfed! LIES!

Well here I am 10ish lbs still clinging to my midsection (and likely boobs, let’s be real here I am sporting absolute planets on my chest 😅). It doesn’t matter what I eat, how much (or little I eat) or anything else…this last 10 lbs will NOT budge. Naturally I really can’t cut out much as it is or else I have a supply drop. I’m probably consuming around 2000-2200 calories, per day which is something on the normal end anyways.

Please someone, anyone, tell me things get better after you wean! This little belly of flub is the bane of my life and I would like her to exit the premises along with whatever else extra I am carrying around.

Thanks! 😭
@nith I’d been 15-20 lbs heavier than pre-pregnancy while EBF. Even after returning to work full time at 4 months PP and then pumping at work and BF at home. We weaned (his choice) super gradually and finally stopped for good on 1/31 and I’ve lost 8 lbs since then without changing anything. I will say that my appetite has significantly decreased. But not 8 lbs worth of an appetite decrease IMO. Could’ve been a gradual 8 lbs and I wasn’t paying attention because that’s a lot for me for a month. I’m pretty average in terms of height and weight.
@nith I hope so, I can't shed anything, stuck in hormonal limbo, hot flashes, so much weight around my middle. Weighing everything! 2.5 years later :( Bloodwork great.
@nith Yes! I could not lose weight during the duration I breastfed, but as soon as I dried up, I lost 15 lbs.

The whole time I was so frustrated because my body just stored fat no matter what I did. I was so envious of those who dropped weight overnight breastfeeding. That was not my experience unfortunately.
@nith I breastfed my first until 16 months. It's easier to lose weight now that we are done. I'm cutting and bulking a little right now, but I'm down 10 lbs in 2 months. This was AFTER I decided to calorie count tho lol! Your appetite changes and it's hard for the first little bit.
@nith I’m the exact same place postpartum as you and also still up 10 lbs from pre pregnancy. I’m honestly surprised I’m this close to where I was before bc like you said I’m not trying to cut much for the sake of my supply. My understanding is the weight loss as a result of BFing is mostly made up. I know it’s hard but try not to stress too much. If I had to guess, once your baby is taking in more from solids and less from breast milk your hormones will keep going in the right direction and more weight will come off.
@nith Weight watchers was the only way I could lose my last 10 lbs. I started at 10 months pp and was still breastfeeding. I did it slowly to make sure i didn’t lose my supply. I would not have been able to lose the weight without WW
@nith Yep. I breastfed both my kids for a year and I held onto at least 15lbs. My body needed it. When I tried calorie restriction, my supply plummeted. It wasn’t great to begin with so I literally needed every last drop. After weaning, I dropped the extra weight without effort. I even ended up smaller than before pregnancy.
@nith I had a lot more energy once I weaned, so I could up the intensity and frequency of my runs. Plus, I wasn't starving to death all the time like I was when I was nursing.

I didn't gain while nursing, but I also couldn't lose...and that was really important at the time. I was able to lose after I weaned, partially because I just naturally ate less and partially because I had more energy to increase my activity.
@tavares I know this was a long time ago and forgive me if this is TMI-did you feel like your pelvic organs were ready to jog once the breastfeeding hormones left?
@nith I didn’t really lose any weight while breastfeeding or while weaning. I gained 40lbs while pregnant and lost 25 lbs almost immediately (or during the first 1-2 weeks) solely from the baby, water weight, amniotic fluid, blood, and sweat but the last 15 or so pounds I’m struggling to get off. I weaned almost 1 year ago.
@nith I gained so much weight breastfeeding. I lost it pretty easily after the first. I’m still breastfeeding my second born but we’re weaning and I’ve lost 10 pounds so far.
@im_a_giants_fan It’s sooo hard. I’m assuming from hormones? I’m also hoping when I get my period back it will be easier to shed weight too. I’m still waiting on it to return and I remember feeling like it made such a difference last time.
@jasrocaby I'm definitely at my heaviest now that I'm breastfeeding. I lost all my pregnancy weight within the first few months while my supply regulated, but after that I just started gaining. I plan to ween around 2 years old except for night time so we'll see if that helps.

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