Diablo 4

@lmccrazy Side-by-side desks, but it's great! She's never played D2, so it's great going down memory lane, while she calls me a nerd for knowing all the lore.
@lmccrazy IMO the game is much more geared towards casual gamers than hard-core endgame min/maxers.

The open world setup is awesome and really feels huge. If you take your time and enjoy the campaign it’s quite lengthy.

There are an absolute ton of dungeons and environments to explore. If you’ve only got a limited time to spend, the game could last you a good while before it turns into a purely repetitive grind.
@togeah Xbox has quick resume and most games don't have that issue when you need to shut down quick on it.

Not sure if d2r is like that because of servers, but I'm also on that (or was until I got busy a year ago)
@lmccrazy SAHDguy#1834 in Battlenet. It's hard for me to say when exactly I can get on, but always open to play with others when I do. I'm lucky to have a wife that knows how much I have looked forward to this, so I am gaming more than I usually get the chance to for the time being.
@lmccrazy I'm playing with online friends and a group of friends from work. I stalled main story progression at the start of act 4 so everyone can catch up (I + a few were in the preorders)

If you cant find anyone here, your more than welcome to join our discord server
@selfhelp2011 Yeah, i had pre order too but only just finished act 5, i think... canny mind, i just keep on playing. I am off work for 3 weeks while the kid is in nursery SO at work :)
@lmccrazy I picked it up and am about 4hrs in. Nothing groundbreaking about it so far to me, just nice to have a prettier D3 with new stories. But the inability to pause is really pissing me off already.
@lmccrazy You should look at DadsGaming. We're always on Discord, and it's nice to play with people who if you suddenly go afk cause your kid needs something real quick when you return everyone's like "cool bro, we protected you while you were afk" instead of being angry and upset cause you made them lose the match.

"No Dad should be left alone to game with pubs."https://dadsgaming.com/ We are more of a Brotherhood, playing games with like minded Dads who understand that Family comes first and want to have a fun time playing online games with other Dads. We are always in Discord Chat, so the only kids that you'll be able hear are your own."

There's a large group playing on D4 too.
@lmccrazy Not currently running any Diablo 4 but it would be nice to make some dad friends who can tolerate my kids getting loud on occasion in the background haha