Diablo 4

@veron Yooo thank you! I’m gonna check it out. I have a gaming laptop I use at home but my workhorse is an M1 Max, hoping I can get this up would be great to hop into it during lunch!
@misterpriceless I’m similar. I loved I and II. Didn’t love the aesthetic of 3 so I didn’t play it.

A buddy had me join him for the D4 beta and I’ve gotta say…it’s very reminiscent of 2 and hitting all those same buttons that Diablo 2 did for me.
@cocoamoteddy Hmmmm I may give it a go when the price comes down. I loved D1 and D2 but I was young so it was strictly a single player game for me. All of the current complaints I hear are multi-player related. I didn't mind the look of D3 but the story was just garbage to me. D4 seems to be better from what I've briefly read.
@777life Single player story is 35 hours according to devs, so if you're looking for a purely single player experience, consider that in how much bang you want for your buck. They definitely want people to continue playing multiplayer end-game content and invest in the battle pass.
@cocoamoteddy That’s how I feel. I took enough time off that I got a real nostalgia spike during the beta.

It’s one of those things where it feels as good as the first two do in my memory, so I’ve been enjoying it.
@al_77 Me and my buddies spent about 40 minutes dying to Butcher in a dungeon last night, apparently he has a 2% chance to randomly spawn in dungeons xD... It was fun as all hell but I'm glad we weren't playing on hardcore at the time xD
@cruzer I just got stomped by him. Managed to get him down to about 30% health, but he eventually got me. Curious how you spent 40 min on him since he de spawned for me after killing me
@blessedandlucky Yeah, I played a Werebear Druid. I couldn't really do any damage to him what so ever. So I basically hit him until he aggroed me and then I ran for my life while my party members dished it out. He seems to aggro based on DMG done
@misterpriceless If you were a huge fan of D2, give D2R a shot. When I was on the fence, someone described it as "looking as good now as you remember it did when you first played it" like if you go back and look at the original version now it looks extremely dated. If you pick up D2R (on sale a few times a year) it looks and plays great.

I gave D3 a few minutes and decided to not.

Fingers crossed that this is something that gets addressed.
@therabbitron D4 brings back the atmosphere of D2, complete with the guitar twangs that are burned into my brain from 25 years ago. Highly recommend checking it out. D3 was fun for what it was but the aesthetic was much more warcrafty.
@plamp I played the beta, liked it, buddy got me the early access so that we could play together... and I've had 2 free hours total so far :( in the coming weeks I hope to be able to get really sunk in to it.