Diablo 4

@plamp For me it wasn't just the aesthetic change in D3 that made me not want to play...despite having sunk hundreds if not thousands of hours into D2 and D2LOD in high school...it was the auction house and economy...drop rates, etc.

I might play D4 down the line, but hopefully in a much more casual way. I tend to get sucked into hobbies, so I know D4 could have that potential.
@misterpriceless I rembember the D1 expansion Hellfire which brought online play,i brought D2 and the expansion day 1, i didnt even try diablo3 as i dont have anymore a gaming computer.

I... feel that i'm missing D4, unless someone like xbox cloud or ps plus will do me a favor and bring it to a cloud gaming service i'll probably skip this one also.
@misterpriceless Give it a shot. It’s like they took all the really fun mechanics of Diablo 2, some of the larger/random events of Diablo 3, tossed in an absolute crap ton of quests, and world events like World of Warcraft, added a ton of deep paragon levels, and made a beautiful baby. It’s really a good game.
@misterpriceless Yeah, I’m in the same boat. Very casual WoW player and very interested in Diablo 4, but am also a Mac user. The new game compatibility toolkit looks really promising for Apple Silicon devices but it requires loading the Sonoma beta on your Mac which at this early stage wouldn’t be a great idea unless you don’t use your Mac for anything else. It would be nice if Blizzard would embrace the tool eventually and offer some support for it. Considering they were always one of the few major developers who embraced the Mac and new Mac technologies for simultaneous launch day support, it was disappointing that the decision was made not to develop Diablo 4 for the Mac as well. Of course, if Microsoft is successful in their acquisition of Blizzard then I’m sure this is a trend we could expect a lot more of in the future.
@lmccrazy My husband and I have been playing! We try to binge once our son goes to bed for the night, but he's teething so he keeps waking up from the pain

We play on PS5 so we can do couch co-op, which is super fun. I don't know how clans work either but maybe we can make a Daddit clan?

We're trying to focus on completing the campaign together first (in Act 5 I think) and then we'll branch off with alts
@loveinvasion Ten years ago before we had a house and our son, my wife and I would toss the sofa cushions on the floor in front of the TV and play D3 together. I looked into D4 on the PS4 and it doesn’t seem like it plays well. Having just built a gaming PC I don’t plan on buying a PS5 so it looks like we’re going to play solo on the PC this time around.
@lmccrazy I tried to play Diablo II Remastered recently and found that I'd lose too much progress if I had to shut down quickly to go take care of something for my son or wife.

Is 4 like that as well? Cause if so, it's a no go for me. That's been the frustrating thing about gaming as a dad. Any game without a very frequent or manual save system, I just can't play any more. I don't have the time to game that I used to and losing progress just makes that worse.
@selfhelp2011 So I got it and this is not true. :(

If you've fought through a bunch of enemies and are almost, but not quite to a waypoint and log out/get logged out, you get moved back to your last waypoint.

I also tried dropping a town portal quickly before logging out and nope, the portal is gone when you log back in and you have to fight back to where you were.

I hate this.
@togeah This was a recent stealth change in one of the last few patches, lots of people are bitching about it in the forums. It's screwed me over a few times with bosses in hardcore
@selfhelp2011 It's gonna affect me almost every time I play. I never have the luxury of getting to a good stopping point in a game. Even if there's not something my family needs me for immediately, I only really have time to play in half hour, sometimes an hour chunks and that's not usually enough time to play and then try to find a new close waypoint before quitting.

I'm gonna try to keep going. I'm definitely enjoying the game otherwise and I dunno if they'd refund me or not. It just might become too frustrating though.

And wow. Now I find out if I switch apps on my PS5, like to Apple Music, it logs me out immediately and the same thing happens.