Dear Everyone who said this would suck…

@revstockton When I was in the final weeks of my pregnancy my MIL told me “you’re going to wish baby was back in there!”. I had third tri vomiting, horrible reflux, GD, insomnia, SPD pain.

Now I have a snuggly newborn, I can eat a damn muffin without worrying about blood sugar, I can go for a walk, I can drink water without vomiting, I’m getting more sleep.

Smile and nod
@revstockton I could have written this. I had HG and nausea the entire time. Then New Years I got Covid and then 2 weeks before my son was before I had influenza B. On top of that I also had gestational diabetes, and not to mention a 4 hour labor in which I barely made it to the hospital.

In summary, it was worth it. Even though I’m busier now with a newborn and 3 year old, at least I have more energy and don’t feel like death.