Daycare - teacher replacement


New member
Hey everyone, this is throwaway account b/c I dont want to write this out through main account.

Just want to gear sane opinions against maybe my paranoid one (I am a father of daughter, maybe I am a little emotional right now)

So my daughter who is 3 years old has been going to daycare for 6 months now. She adjusted really well in this new center. She was really close to one of her teachers (Ms. X) and would follow Ms. X everywhere (not the behaviour we approved) but as it didnt bothered Ms. X we didnt say much.

Ms X was in center for two years and she was praised frequently in Google reviews. Ms. X had a young daughter of her own and so even we, as parents bonded well with Ms. X. So all in all we didnt find anything bad about Ms. X

There were 3/4 instances when one of the support teachers asked us to talk to our daughter so that she doesnt just tag along Ms. X. We always had conversation with our daughter on how she has friends at center and Ms X is busy with many activities.

I and my wife wfh. We received call from Ms X on June 20 to pick up our daughter during nap time b/c she wouldnt sleep without Ms. X. This was an ongoing issue with our daughter. She cosleeps at home so she misses her mamadiring school nap times. However Ms X would be successful in providing our daughter nap occasionally and on other occasions my daughter would just do quite time.

We didnt think much and I went to get my daughter home during nap time. This continued for two more days!! We would receive call from Ms X to pick up our daughter during nap time b/c she was disturbing other children sleep. We grudgingly agreed and picked her up. During one of the trips, I took Uber b/c my wife took the car.

That was the weirdest Uber ride. The guy was nice, but he asked if I know Ms X. I excitedly said yes (thinking that maybe his child goes there too). He said that about a month ago Ms X took a ride home in his Uber and misbehaved when Uber driver told her that she has to add a stop if she wants to go somewhere else before going home. Ms X misbehaved so much that she banged the door shut twice and gave Uber deiver middle finger and cursed him. It was pretty bad experience acc to Uber guy b/c he remembered Ms X and said that he thought to complain Ms X to the center b/c of her anger and misbehaviour

The last straw was when we got the message in school app to pick up our daughter! It just pissed us off. B/c we never asked teachers to give nap to our daughter if she would rather have quite time instead. We went to pick her up and Ms X said that our daughter was getting angry and frustrated.

We went there and picked up our daughter. The same day center's supervisor apologized that this shouldnt have happened and they have discussed ways to help our daughter during quite time. That same day I noticed two small bruises on my daughter's shins. Now she is a monkey and climbs everywhere and it maybe from park's bar climbing the day before

But from that day - Thursday till next week's Thursday we didnt see Ms X in the center. And on Thursday we received a message that Ms Y has been hired to replace Ms X

My concern is why Ms X left? Is there a chance that she may have hurt my daughter in any way?

Should we approach our daughter's center for more details on the replacement?

Sorry for typos.
@sunshine27 Your daughter is 3 so in theory old enough to tell you what happened to her shins. Has she mentioned any teachers being too rough with her?

Honestly you should ask about the bruises. The teachers there might be able to give you an answer. If she hurt herself playing, she probably need to document it. Just be light hearted and not accusatory.

From what you've described, I don't see a reason to accuse Mrs X of physical abuse.
@sunshine27 It's completely possible that Ms X had many stresses in her life, and the Uber ride was one where she lost it temporarily.

Talk with your daughter about the bruises. And you can always ask the daycare administration if Ms X's departure was unexpected because you would have like to have said goodbye.