daily activities for little to no cost??


New member
Hi! I’m new to this SAHP.. I used to be a WFH mom but I went back to school full time so I am not working now. I don’t plan to return full time either. what are some activities (free and little cost) that I can do with my almost 4 year old until she goes off to PreK.. we do the park and will try the library today but there has to be more than that. I actually don’t mind spending money on things but realistically, spending money EVERYDAY is not something I want to do. Can you guys give us some ideas?
@capriccio Some churches have drop in playtimes or kids classes.

Shopping mall play areas can be good for bad weather days.

Not free but see if local museums and zoos have memberships, it can be a lot cheaper than single visits.
@theweebabyjesus Yes and check your local library for museum passes! *And also their toy library/library of things, to bring novelty to your days at home without spending money or adding to clutter.
@theweebabyjesus You can also hint to grandparents that memberships are a great Christmas or birthday gift. My in-laws started giving us a zoo pass, and my parents jumped on with the children's museum. It's usually comparable to what they would spend getting each of us gifts, cuts down on clutter, and is so helpful!
@notly1988 Ours has an employee who kicks you out if you even try to wave at the dogs in the daycare section, it pisses me off so much. They also spray the dogs.
There shouldn’t be a window there if you’re going to punish the dog and shoppers.

But we do love saying hi to the fish and small pets!
@capriccio Do a toddler yoga class online! It’ll be great for both of you.
Focus on things to prepare kiddo for school- get a some playdoh that’s great for building hand muscle and they need that for writing etc. it gets way overlooked and playdoh is reusable and cheap.

Do crafting for upcoming holidays Valentine’s Day cut hearts and decorate the house etc.
the holidays are always changing so helps me not get board.

Collect rocks to paint.

Never underestimate a bath with some of the kids favorite play figures.
@gladysrivera We like Cosmic Kids, which is for children and not “Mommy and Me”, but there’s no reason you can’t do it together. She has some videos specifically for very young children.
@capriccio My guy is only 20mo but I would check out the Facebook for your city and library for free activities! We live in a very small town and there are free and very affordable activities multiple times a week! We don’t go to a lot because most are directed toward ages 2-5 but we will! We live about an hour from a “children’s museum” that’s basically a huge play area with lots of STEM toys. Gas is a factor but admission is only $6 and parents are free so really not a huge expense but it gets a LOT of energy out!

I’ve also started investing in crafts. Nothing crazy, just stuff we can pull out when we’re bored. Markers, tempera paint and paint sticks, Kinetic Sand, Duplos, we’re gonna try wax sticks and slime.. it’s expensive all up front but I’m slowly acquiring things and it seriously saves me some days. He also accompanies me on errands which we refer to as “adventures” and he “helps” with chores. I’ve recently started letting him help me make muffins a couple times a week and he is OBSESSED with that (he puts the muffin liners in, then licks the spoon 😂). He’s a water baby so in the summer we’re always in our kiddie pool or playing with the hose and in the winter bathtime is its own activity. Planning on doing swim lessons as soon as we can (not free here but affordable, as are pool memberships). Done rambling, sorry lol
@annae Lots of great ideas!!

You may want to speak to the People In Charge of the 2-5 programs to see if your kid can go anyways.

Our library has a baby time 0-18 mos, then a toddler time that starts at 2 years. 24-36 mos, with nothing from 18-24. The baby time has infants who can't walk and don't interact, my toddler (walking since 9 mos) hasn't fit in there for a minute. When all the older kids started to transition to the other class and we were left with only lap babies, we talked to the Toddler Librarian about it. She was pretty hesitant at first, but the Baby Time librarian was there too and was pretty sure he was ready, he had the attention span for it. So we tried it and he's a great fit.

In there since he was 16 months, I think? He doesn't participate the same way as the older kids, but that's ok too. Mostly just stares at the other kids, the librarian, and the books she is reading, but is fully engaged at staring/listening/learning with his full attention. He participates a little more each time. Toddler Librarian gives us good feedback every time. His age friend from prev class also joins us now.

If the class went all the way up to 5yo idk if that would still be good for him, but maybe y'all could try it.
@simancia We’re still in the “book babies” group, but honestly he mostly runs around the library screeching happily like a crazy person 😅 thats a great idea to ask if he can go to other events in spite of his age! They have toddler craft times at the art center that are 2-5 years, maybe I’ll see if we can weasel our way in there lol
@simancia That’s such a weird split, ours does “baby” time up to 16 months and then toddler storytime is 16-36 months (and they let my 3- and even 4- year-old attend for a little while until he was just really too big and taking over from the smaller kids).
@capriccio Baking, gardening, drawing, watching kid-friendly movies at home together like disney. Start teaching kids daily chores (start with easy things like putting away toys, tucking in dining chair after eating, etc) but make it super fun with singing and dancing involved. I've seen young kids volunteer at food charities with their families but I think 4 years old might still be too young (I think the youngest I saw was 6 years old with her parent).