Continuous spotting?


New member
I’m currently 10+1, and have been spotting for about a week now (started 9+2). It’s been mostly brown/stringy/mucous-y, but is getting darker and I’m starting to see bits of red.

I’m freaking out. My first appointment isn’t until Thursday (10+5), so I really have no idea what’s going on. I’m assuming the worst, and driving myself crazy.

I don’t have any cramping, and don’t really have any pregnancy symptoms (I’ve been fortunate to not have any symptoms). Has anyone else experienced the same and everything was okay? I plan on calling tomorrow, but fear they’ll make me wait for Thursday and just advise going to the ER if it gets worse..

Update: after going to the ER today, it turns out that I am in fact having an MC. My hcg was low, and still waiting to find out any specifics on the US. This is my second pregnancy, and first MC. 😔
@susanne2013 I’m currently spotting brown and I’ve done an ultrasound and everything is normal.

Call your OB and try to get in. I’ve had 3 OBs in my life, and they’ve all let me in when bleeding.

Sometimes you have to be very dramatic about your symptoms though, so don’t minimize them.
@alysiakgc208 Thank you for the advice. I’ve gone back and forth all week about calling because I feel I’d be wasting their time or they wouldn’t take me seriously. I’ll be sure to convey my concern and want to be seen
@susanne2013 I had it off and on until 10w and then pretty much every day until 11w6d. Ended up saying it was a friable cervix and I’m 20w now with everything fine as far as I know. I would still call your doctor though— I did several extra scans because of this.
@bassmode Interesting, I’ve never heard of that! I didn’t realize how many conditions/causes there were for early spotting/bleeding that weren’t MC related. Thank you for the insight!
@susanne2013 It can be normal.or not normal. Ive had spotting in every single one of my pregnancies. 3 were miscarriages and 1 was not. I just spot in pregnancy because I have a friable cervix. So none of the bleeding was even related to baby, only cervix.

I'll tell you what made me feel better. There is a study showing that spotting in pregnancy did not increase chance of miscarriage. Meaning it doesn't correlate to pregnancy loss. Its perfectly normal and many women spot in pregnancy.
@susanne2013 I’m 16 weeks 4 days and had spotting today for the first time in a couple weeks. I had spotting almost every day from 6 weeks-10 weeks then had random days of it. Try not to stress too much now, and remind yourself you are pregnant with a healthy baby until someone tells you otherwise. The best thing I’ve been told is “worrying means you suffer twice” and I took it to heart