Complex ovarian cyst?


New member
Fiancé and I have been ttc for about 3 months now, but haven’t had much luck. I think I had a chemical pregnancy during our first month of trying, but I’m not certain, as the days aren’t truly adding up. Around 7dpo I did get severe pelvic cramping and pain. It did however get better, and go away. During our second month ttc, that same pelvic pain came back, however it was more severe this time. I also had a uti that I’m still trying to recover from. I do suffer from them chronically and am working with a urologist at this time. This month, I also got some pain around 7/8dpo, but it was significantly better.

I am waiting to see my ob at the beginning of November for a consult.

I was able to go for a tvus and mostly everything was normal, aside from one concerning finding.

FINDINGS: The uterus measures 7.2 cm in length and has a normal

contour and echotexture. The endometrium is normal measuring​

The right ovary measures 2.6 cm in greatest diameter. Follicles are
present. There is normal ovarian color flow. There is a 14 x 12 x 9
mm right ovarian cyst with internal echoes creating a nodular
appearance. This could be a hemorrhagic cyst. I would recommend a
follow-up exam after the patient's next menstrual cycle to document


The left ovary measures 3.1 cm in greatest diameter. Follicles are
present. There is normal ovarian color flow. No adnexal mass is


No free fluid is present.​

1. Normal uterus.
2. Complex right ovarian cyst. Follow-up study is recommended after
the patient's next menstrual cycle to document resolution.
3. Normal left ovary.

My uterus is fine, as is my left ovary. I do have follicles which is reassuring, however, the report mentions a “right ovarian cyst with internal echos creating a nodular appearance, rec f/u with us after next cycle. I am concerned, as these types of cysts have a higher chance of being malignant, but know that even still, it is a low possibility. I have noticed that my pain has improved some, and realize now that most of my pain has come from the right side. I am concerned about these findings though, and am wondering if anyone on here has dealt with something similar?

Thanks. I see OB nov 2nd, but will try to push up the visit sooner. Also, I know this cyst is only 1.4cm which isn’t that big, but I’m still concerned due to increase risk of ovarian cancer/ infertility
@torturedsoul Per my doctors: Cysts are incredibly common. They often grow and will disappear on their own. I don’t think a cyst on your ovary, especially one of that size, would prohibit you from conceiving normally.

I can tell you I had a cyst on my ovary five times that size in November. I had surgery for a uterine fibroid three months later and they planned to take it out if it was still there, but it was already gone.

So if your concern is only about ovarian cancer or increased risk of infertility, you can probably relax. You shouldn’t ignore painful periods and it’s never a bad idea to check in with your doctor if you’re worried about something, but I wouldn’t worry much about this.
@torturedsoul I’ve had many complex ovarian cysts! Trust me very normal and I’m sure it will be gone by the next time you get checked out. Mine always develop on the right side too and come with some pain. They are usually always of of your cycle and are complex because they contain blood that can make them appear solid on the ultrasound. Please don’t worry!!
@torturedsoul Please do not worry!!! I have trouble with ovarian cysts on mainly my left ovary that seem to never go away! 🙄 I actually had gone in, found out I had some cysts on both sides that time, then my son was conceived. We’re still on high watch because my family has a history of uterine cancer, but so far they’ve come and gone for 13 years and we’re still clear. Two healthy babies and hopefully another on the way if things go as planned. You’ll be okay! :)
@torturedsoul How are you doing ? Did you have a follow up ultrasound? They found 1.5 cm complex cyst too on me and now I need a 6 week ultrasound follow up. So scared of ovarian cancer
@kiranlee Hi! Yes, I did. Turns out my cyst was exactly what they thought it was, hemorrhagic. Very happy and relieved to report that it has completely resolved, as has my pelvic pain. Still ttc and have been dealt with a devastating male factor infertility diagnosis, but hopeful we will have our miracle baby soon. In regards to the complex cyst, like others have mentioned on here; don’t worry too much about it. If the impression of the scan didn’t mention concerning features then it’s probably not cancerous.
@kiranlee Hello I’m in the exact same boat as you with a 6 week ultrasound scheduled after finding a complex cyst on my right ovary. Plz update when you can. I’m googling while my daughter is sleeping next to me. This stuff is scary!
@kevo_77 How big is your cyst and what do they think it is ? I have my 6-8 week ultrasound on Wednesday- so scared !! Do you have any symptoms? I don't have any . How old are you if you don't mind me asking !
@kiranlee No symptoms at all. I’m 36. “Complex focus with thick peripheral mild echogenicity and central hypoattenuation overall measuring 1.6 x 1.5 × 1.6 cm..” How old are you? The more I read about complex cysts the more they worry me
@kevo_77 I just turned 37 ! Mine just says 2.1cm cystic lesion either hemorraging or endometrioma (never knew I had endometriosis!!!!). Follow up in 8 weeks . These things freak me out too and I am very worried about the follow up ultrasound next week. I also have zero symptoms. Did they doctor say what they think it is ? Like what kind of cyst ? How soon they want you to follow up with an ultrasound?
@kiranlee It’s a complex cyst is all they told me with followup needed in six weeks. So I have five more weeks of not knowing. I would like to think that with modern medicine they would’ve been able to tell us if it was ovarian cancer, so because we didn’t get that diagnosis off the bat, I’m hoping we will be fine. Fingers crossed. Did they do an ultrasound on top and inside you? That’s what they did to me. Also, what scares me is I read that people who have had complex cysts are way more likely to develop ovarian cancer in the future than those who haven’t had those cysts.
@kevo_77 It is very small so I wouldn't worry too much. Most ovarian cancers are huge . And early detection is the key so it's good they are following you . I highly doubt it is ovarian cancer. Did they say if yours is dernoid or endometrioma ? Like what are they suspecting ?
I had end of November IVF doctor tell me I have a 1.5 cm cyst during transvaginal ultrasound. She said it is either endometrioma or a dermoid . Then on December 9th I had an mri for something else and they said 2.1 cm cyst either hemorraging or endometrioma and to follow up in 6 weeks . Which I am doing on Wednesday. Still freaked out though