Co-sleeping Resource Roundup

@dbirdez A book: Three In A Bed.

Lyndsey Hookway has two books aimed at parents, the one that you have is aimed at sleep coaches. These are:

Let's Talk About Your New Family's Sleep (for preverbal babies/toddlers, from birth)

Still Awake (for verbal toddlers up to teens)

The No Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley

Lyndsey Hookway has several great videos on her FB page

Podcast: Evolutionary Parenting has several episodes about co-sleeping, SIDS and sleep training. The Midwives' Cauldron I'm sure has an episode about neonatal care and/or baby sleep.

Unicef leaflet: Caring for your baby at night.
@dbirdez This is good but I think a single quick reference for new, sleep deprived parents coming to the sub for the first time in search of info in a standalone stickied post could be good? Eg safe sleep seven with a brief explanation of why that rule is important.
@dbirdez Most of these books are available through the public library system (physical and digital versions) as well!

I zipped through James McKenna’s book on my phone via the kindle app and grateful for the public library for this. Currently have Elizabeth Pantley’s book on “hold.”