Cloth diapering toddler & infant?


New member
Baby is 9 months old and husband and I have begun TTC #2. We'll most likely start with disposables until baby can fit the OS cloth diapers we have (estimating maybe at 1-2 months old?), so we're looking at potentially diapering a newborn and an 19-20+ month old toddler at the same time. I recall reading about stripping diapers between children, but that wouldn't be practical in this scenario. Is a single strip still suggested prior to simultaneous CDing? Should I just maintain separate stashes for both kids? Would it be OK to mix their diapers together to wash?

Here is what we have now:

22 pocket diapers (Alva and MamaKoala) with various inserts

24 unbleached prefolds (approx 12" x 14")

24 bleached prefolds (14.5" x 22")

10 one-size covers

I wouldn't mind buying a few more of specific items to ensure we have enough but I'd prefer to not buy too much more!

@gibbs41 i think it would be annoying snapping and unsnapping the rise settings if they didn't have separate stashes. if it were me, id divide them up by something obvious like solids for toddler and prints for newborn. (or whatever makes sense with OP's stash) and have one on my left and one on my right at the changing table. obviously in a pinch they can share and still be washed together.
@sprinkle For sure, having separate stashes is fine to do. All I said was that it’s not a requirement. People don’t have to keep them completely separate if they don’t want to
@menacebysociety I would probably use different diapers on each, just do I don't have to deal with snapping them to size each time...but that's my thing. Otherwise I don't see any issue with washing together, or sharing diapers. The kids are going to share their saliva, snot, and everything else. Just watch closely for yeast ;).
@menacebysociety Not OP - but can I ask a question too? If they are both using the same size diapers (and thus the same diapers, which are all One Size) - do I have to do anything special? Is that okay? Haven't had any yeast or any issues.