Clingy 10 month-old


New member
I have two girls - 5 years & 10 months. My eldest was a loaf of bread (easiest baby on the planet.) She was agreeable, rarely cried, was fine with any caretaker, etc.

My youngest is throwing me for a LOOP. She’s incredibly healthy & hitting milestones early - but she’s unbelievably clingy.

It’s confusing to me because I work full time, so she’s at daycare 9 hours a day. They have no issues with her bottle feeding. But at night, she wants nothing to do with my husband.

My in-laws moved to town last year to be close to the girls. They’ve watched the baby twice - for an 8 hour span and a 6 hour span. She REFUSED to take a bottle - no matter how tried, or how tired/awake she was, or how she was positioned. Absolutely refused. And was fussy the vast majority of the time. Aside from this, we’ve gone on 2 weeklong vacations with them, and go over there weekly, so she definitely is familiar with them.

My MiL (gently, but firmly) thinks I need start weaning her so that she can get used to other people. I refuse - our nursing relationship is so strong, I nurse on-demand throughout the night, and she’s never been sick (not once.) It feels wrong to stop when so many signals are screaming at me to continue.

Am I off base here? How can I navigate this, help her to not be so clingy, etc.? It’s jarring how different two babies can be!
@thecup Thank you. This makes me feel sane. Honestly I just feel this pull to quit my job and just be present for my kids all day long, while throwing middle fingers in the air to anyone who tries to step to it.

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