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Okay moms I’ve written about this before and still nothing. Baby A my boy has been choking since coming home from the hospital. It never fails. 30 minutes after eating he starts to choke. I’ve had to rush him to the hospital 3 times.

He’s been to 2 pediatricians already and they have switched his milk about 20 times. Still nothing. The first pediatrician told me she had no idea what was wrong and to rush him to the hospital to see a pediatrician. I get to the hospital and they do a chest x ray and a stomach ultrasound and find nothing. She
Switched his milk from Neopro similac to enfamil ar, reguline, gentlease, regular enfamil, similac allimentum, Nutramigen, similac 360, then she tells me it would take 6-7 months to get a g.I doctors appointment and referral

I take him to a second pediatrician and she then tells me it’s his milk and told me to try multiple other milks including soy milk and goat milk then pepticate and now she’s given me similac alimentum ready feed and now I’m tired. I truly believe he has gerd or sandifer syndrome from his movements . He eats then afterwards he starts to vomit really bad, jerks his head back really far and starts to bite at his hand like he’s in pain. I mean he jerks really hard and bad to the point that if you’re not holding him tight enough he will hit the floor.

. It’s like he has involuntary spasms but only after eating . I’ve told doctors at the hospital and the pediatricians this. They even fed him at the hospital and he started jerking his head real hard while there and she said idk what he’s doing

Idk what to do anymore. The second pediatrician wants me to try more milks before she gives him a referral to a G.I doctor and I’m tired of that. He chokes to the point of not breathing and me having to do baby chest compressions for him

Have any of you guys experienced this either a twin or both? Any milk ideas? Any tips or recommendations? Do you think I should try a new doctor?

Update. He choked on the ready feed alimentum and had to be taken back to the doctor. She’s now put him on reflux meds and sent him a referral to a G.I specialist. My daughter had silent reflux and needed meds also and she’s eating fine now. I have also taken a lot of advice from you guys that has helped him and his weight is going up too. Thank you
@giot Could be silent reflux? Both of my daughters had these “episodes” where after eating they would start turning bright red, gagging in this foamy thick spit that we would have to suck out with a nose bulb.

We got referred to a GI doctor and they said there isn’t much they can do other than prescribe Nexium or Pepcid, which wouldn’t fix the root problem of a weak stomach sphincter that keeps the contents down, but would ease their discomfort when it happens as it would reduce their stomach acid.

They termed the condition “obstructive reflux” but I think that may be specific to this doctor as I couldn’t find that terminology referenced anywhere online, but it makes sense with what we were experiencingZ

Our girls have seemingly grown out of it at around 14-15 weeks, but it still happens maybe once a week.

Could try a slower flow nipple when bottle fed? That seemed to help us a little bit.
@haquynh1990 They both are in slow flow nipples. The first pediatrician said she couldn’t prescribe reflux meds. The hospital ended up giving me a 15 day supply and thats gone. The second pediatricians wants to try more milk before trying meds or the g.I doctor but I believe it’s that too. GERD and sandifer syndrome all are side affects of real bad acid reflux. They aren’t listening to me about the reflux and are dead on set on allergies
@giot Sorry your doctors aren’t taking your concerns seriously… I think allergies can contribute to reflux but our girls still did it even on neocate formula which is hypoallergenic for both soy and CMPA.

Like I said the GI doctor in our case said there isn’t much that can be done for it unfortunately, but yours sounds a little more severe.
@giot So sorry to hear this! I struggled with my twins feed for months before a doctor gave us reflux medication (I had to go to several before I was taken seriously). Three weeks into medication and the difference is huge.
@giot So sorry you are going through this! I think you need to trust your gut and get another opinion! You know your babies better than anyone and it sounds like your son needs a proper diagnosis! Stand firm and get answers from your pediatrician or demand an outside referral! Twins are exhausting enough as it is and dealing with this has to be super stressful!
@jinetakosa I believe so too. I’m scared honestly. Like what if I fall asleep too heavy one night while he’s choking in his sleep again? If I didn’t sleep lite and take baby cpr my son might not even be here and that’s scary
@giot Try not to worry about stuff like that you will drive yourself crazy! If you can afford it, owlet socks give great peace of mind as they monitor HR and oxygen levels and alarm for low levels! Hang in there!
@giot She actually took her daughter 3 times before this as well and she basically refused to leave the most recent time. The doctor before this most recent time said it was just her formula snd suggested nutramigen and meds but it wasn't helping so she went back.
@giot My son had silent reflux where his spit up came out of his nose about 45 min after I laid him down and what ended up working for us was to mix 2 formulas together - the acid reflux formula and the purple gentle formula. I usually got generics from target but sometimes got enfamil or similac. Brand didn’t seem to matter for my son. He was on heartburn meds (I think Pepcid?) for a month before we figured this out. I decided to mix the 2 bc full AR made him too constipated but of course just the gentle formula didn’t do anything for his reflux.

Sending hugs. I’ve been there and it felt so impossibly hard. I’m so sorry. Praying it gets better for you soon
@moore2014 I have some cans of gentlease and ar unopened here. I could give it a try. I’m willing to try anything. Thank you. I honestly hate watching him suffer
@moore2014 He doesn’t choke on the a.r as bad but he vomits on it to the point where he wasn’t gaining weight. The gentlease made him choke badly but he didn’t vomit as much. Ima try to mix a small amount probably 2 ounces 50:50 and see what happens.