Chemical pregnancy


New member
Hi all. I have been trying to conceive since January and to my surprise I was pregnancy in February just to have it end with a chemical pregnancy. I got my period the day after an intra-vaginal scan and while this was done there wasn’t anything there- just a “thickening” of the walls.

About a week after the bleeding ended I took an ovulation test bc I felt like I was - and I sure was. We tried again and supposed ovulation date was 2/25. Fast forward to 3/5 and I’m pregnant again. I had a follow up today for my “supposed” 9-week pregnancy that was no longer there. The pregnancy strip showed a faint like meanwhile my home tests look almost full blown. She did an intra - scan again (even tho I really didn’t want to as it’s almost PTSD since I bled the following day last time). And obviously nothing showed since I’m still SUPER early. Just making 4 weeks. I’m so paranoid that the same thing is going to happen. I feel so blessed that I’m actually GETTING pregnant, but I will be 35 in 4 months and also have the antibodies SS-b for Sjogrens which is know to cause congenital heart failure later on in the pregnancy.

I might be jumping the gun but I feel I’m already expecting it to not work again. They say you have a chemical pregnancy and should go on to have a healthy one after. Has anyone ever had more than 1 chemical pregnancy? Sorry for the long post, I just really need somewhere to vent 🙁
@bornagain28 It might be early..

(If it does happen again advice below) I had 7 miscarriages of 8 babies at various stages, sometimes there is nothing going on in blood work and it’s a matter of making your body produce eggs are younger / better quality. You can take things like coq10 about 200mg, it also helps with embryo stability, it’s also pretty common for women to have a gene that stops you absorbing folic acid and folate is preferable. Taking a good natural vitamin like proceive or inessa it’s great. If this doesn’t work after a few months, then just suggest getting a miscarriage panel. So sorry you’re going through this, sending positive vibes
@bornagain28 I have had three. i’m pregnant again and my numbers aren’t doubling as fast as my healthy pregnancies yet again but my numbers are high. I would be excited except last one was more of a miscarriage less of a chemical and we were so excited with my hcg levels, but the doubling time slowed down.
i’m so scared and sad. I know what you’re going through. i’m so sorry. you are not alone
@truth_love I’m so sorry to hear about your experience. Do they know why this is happening? Is it by any chance your progesterone? Do you mind sharing how far along until you noticed the hcg slowing down? Again, I am SO sorry for your losses and the experiences you have been through. It must be so difficult. Sending prayers your way ❤️ it’s definitely hard to get excited when unfortunately expecting the worst 😔
@truth_love My Dr doesn’t even communicate with me what healthy levels should be at. I retested Tuesday which I’m supposedly 16dpo and my hcg was 163 & progesterone dropped from 28 to 14. I’m just not expecting it to work again 😔 of course when I could use a glass of wine the most I can’t have it!

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