Chemical pregnancies


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My s/o are going on cycle 7 of ttc. We’ve both been through fertility work up, and though my eggs/amh/ pelvic anatomy is all normal, I was told my tsh was mildly elevated for someone trying to conceive. For reference, my doc wants a level
@cuppycakers Hi there! So sorry about the CPs and sending my love! I can only speak to the TSH - in august I had tsh of 2.7 and was put on a tiny dose of thyroxine (25mg) to bring it down to under 2.5 as you say. This was directed by my GP who referred me to a endocrinologist to be safe. I had a follow up with an endocrinologist and she was annoyed I’d been put on thyroxine as the most up to date guidance (at least in the Uk) is not to medicate tsh under 4. I was immediately taken off thyroxine and have just had another blood test to check results. I understand that as long as they are under 4 I won’t be medicated.

I should mention that I have tested positive for antibodies (but not super high at the moment) so will need to monitor my thyroid function closely.

Hope that helps!
@shannonsankeymusic Hi! Thank you so much ❤️ glad to hear you don’t have to be on meds! Similar to you, my ob wants me on them, but hypothyroidism does run in my family so I know there will be a time where I’ll have to be on it regardless of ttc or not. I am going to probably vouch for a RE/ fertility doc consult sooner than that 3 month timeline my doc is suggesting. Thanks again so much! Stay healthy!
@cuppycakers If you are 35+ you can start seeing a fertility specialist. I'm not familiar with where hormone levels should be but I have had reoccurring implantation failure but that was due to my endo and adeno which caused a very hostile environment in my RS and most likely suffered from bad egg quality due to my endometriomas. You can sometimes get an endometrial biopsy and they can test for infections like endometritis which can cause CPs or RIF. Also, I was told progesterone levels can cause RIF as well. Wishing you luck and so sorry about your losses.
@tommyhim8 Thanks for your response! I’m only 30 :( but my s/o is 38. There’s a history of male factor infertility in his family so my ob said she’d try to send us out to the RE if needed earlier. My progesterone was borderline low (9.5) on day 21 of my cycle when tested, but she didn’t seem worried about it. I also wonder about low progesterone as well. I am not too sure if I have endo, (periods are 28 days to the day, and don’t have painful periods really) but of course would need a lapro to diagnose that, and still always a possibility! But yes, I agree- next steps is to rule out what else is going on. Thank you so much for your dude and suggestions ❤️
@cuppycakers Progresterone should be tested midway through your LP. If you don't have a textbook 28 day cycle (most women don't) then CD21 may not yield meaningful results. Your progesterone would optimally be above 15 ng/ml midway through your LP. OBs aren't Fertility specialists so they typically won't know what the ranges are for optimal values.
@katrina2017 I agree. My periods really are every 28 days though. As far as my progesterone, I am planning on having it rechecked with the RE. If low still, will ask for supplemental support
@cuppycakers I would definitely go on levothyroxine. My TSH is right around yours unmedicated and my RE put me on a baby dose of 25mcg. TSH tends to spike in early pregnancy, so you want to get it lower to have wiggle room. It’s a super cheap medication and works super quickly.

Once I went on the levothyroxine, my luteal phase became a full 14 days (instead of 12) and I stopped spotting before my period. Chemical pregnancies are largely caused by hormone issues.
@joeyy1234 Thank you for sharing! Glad to hear you had benefits after starting at thyroid! Hypothyroidism does run in my family so I knew there was going to be a point where I’d need it. Fortunately my periods and LH phase are regular, and my I’m every 13-14 days. No spotting either thankfully. For me though, definitely heavy flow and PMDD. I am hopeful and praying synthroid fixes everything