Car seat purchase after accident


New member
Well today we were in auto accident. Luckily, my wife and baby seem okay. RIP to my well worth the investment Nuna Pipa RX. I’m pretty sure the stability leg is what saved my baby from whiplash.

I wanted some suggestions on our next purchase. Our baby is 9 months and around 22 pounds. They are also 85th percentile in length.

Should we look to replace with the Nuna Pipa RX or should we look to get one of the larger swivel Nuna chairs. The Rava looks cool but I worry it doesn’t have the stability leg and won’t travel well.

I don’t care about price. I want something that offers super protection. Our baby isn’t much for being in the baby car seat but it would be nice to have the option of using the Pipa RX when we travel and it needs to come on the plane with us or be used with the Triv stroller.

Any suggestions or Nuna items we should look at? We have the Nuna Triv stroller and love it.

I appreciate y’all.
@possum Insurance should cover the replacement of the seat, so don’t forget that first off.

If you are having more than one, I’d get the same one again. If not, others have given you awesome suggestions and are more knowledgeable than me :)
@possum The swivels tend to have lower height/weight limits. If you follow @safeintheseat on Instagram, she has car seat buying kits that can help you find exactly what you need. Since you have a taller child, you may want to Google seats with higher height limits for rear facing.

The Clek Foonf has a 43 inch limit and a 50lb max weight for rear facing and has an anti rebound bar. It’s also built like a tank. I would get it if it fit in my car.

Editing to add if you’re dead set on Nuna, the Exec has higher limits
@possum We have a Nuna Exec and a Britax Advocate with the anti rebound bar (CMIIW, but anti rebound bars are mandatory in Canada). My 3.5 is petite and was cramped in the Exec; she complained a lot about it. On the other hand she seems so much more comfy in the Britax and hasn’t complained once.
@richking58 Thank you to everyone who provided feedback. We went with the Nuna Rava. I’m a little sad to not have the dream drape and stability leg, but I do like the side impact and all steel frame.
@possum If you plan to have more kids, go ahead and get the infant seat that you love and trust. Either way, your 9 month old will be ready for a convertible seat soon. My LO was way more comfortable in the convertible than the infant seat, just takes some adjusting for you guys.

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