Cannot decide between Uppababy Vista & Nuna Triv travel systems


New member
I know these are very different strollers but I am just going crazy trying to decide. They both seem great. I have a car, as does my husband and my mom will be helping out, so that’s why we had initially decided on the Triv + PIPA Urbn, because buying 3 bases seemed crazy at these price points and I love the ingenuity of the Urbn baseless system. However, my husband and I got a little turned off/confused by the urbn when a Nordstrom rep said it has to be latched AND belted in, which is obviously a huge hassle to do everyday. She showed us it moving around a lot when only latched and said her whole department hates the urbn and they wouldn’t trust their baby in it. I walked away very confused. I emailed Nuna and they basically said could do either latch, seatbelt or both, and wouldn’t say if either was safer.

So I started exploring other options. My friends all have the uppababy vista and love it. They even had an extra base and with the Mesa on sale it felt like the stars aligned. However, I realized their base fits an older Mesa and with only the Mesa Maxx on sale, I’m back to buying multiple bases and back at the $1500 price point. So now I’m questioning my decision since I was so drawn to the triv initially.

But, I do like that the vista has sturdier wheels, and that if we do have a second baby in a couple years we’ll be set for outings with the two of them. And the fold will technically fit in my trunk of my sedan, though it’ll take up more space. But I’ve heard it’s so heavy and not something you’d want to travel with and we do travel a lot. But we could always get a second travel stroller later I suppose. I also worry it’ll just be a hassle taking in and out of a sedan trunk all the time. I loved that the Triv was as so light and compact

Feeling so confused! How do you guys like your Vista / Triv Next strollers after using them for some time? Any issues with the wheels on Triv? Any regrets not buying something lighter and easier/more compact to fold with the Vista? What about the PIPA urbn? Any CPST’s in here?


Edit: I went with the Nuna Triv + Pipa Aire RX car seat. So excited and feel like I made the right choice for our fam. Thank you so much everyone for your input
@chrisss7 If and when you have a second child, your needs and wants are going to be so different… So echoing on the second child using the Vista… It is made for two kiddos, even three but it is horrible to steer after 2, and the amount of attachments you’ll need!!!! The fold is going to be hard. Do not recommend any of the Mesa seats… very common to chest issue with the mesa. I have a Vista + Pipa Lite RX seat, and I also use the Pipa with my Bugaboo Fox and Butterfly.
@laurentia I went with Nuna PIPA RX and Nuna Demi Next. I watched a ton of videos on double strollers and look up videos of trying to maneuver two in the vista. It didnt look practical for me.

We are due in the beginning of May and had to do IVF so we will be trying for #2 as soon as we can which is why we went with the Demi Next.
@sparrow7 Also an IVF parent!!! With Demi you lose your basket with kid #2.. I got the Vista as a gift but I don’t love it, my husband does lol. Come kid #2, I will be purchasing a Bugaboo Donkey depending how old my first kiddo is. This first kid traumatized me with sleep deprivation.
@laurentia I’m fine with losing the basket. That set up pushes two children wayyy easier. I wanted the bugaboo but I overall loved the Nuna more. This could always change though when baby 2 gets here!
@chrisss7 Whoops just realized my typo, meant chin to chest! When the baby is buckled in to the car seat correctly, baby’s chin touches baby’s chest, which can compromise their breathing (breathing is not protected) and most CPST would tell you this. It’s a very common issue with Mesa car seats, to include the Mesa Max as well.
@chrisss7 They never fixed the issue with the Mesa, even though they knew about… I’m going to say they probably didn’t fix it on the Aria either. I just don’t trust them
@laurentia I finally bought something today!! I went with the Nuna Triv (my gut feeling was for the Triv all along) and PIPA Aire rx car seat. This comment def influenced that - thank you for tip. I had no idea Mesa car seat had this issue for some babies
@chrisss7 This is an older thread- but I was in the same situation last spring and went with the triv next + pipa lite rx and have been extremely happy with my choice so far. the triv is super easy to fold (including with the ring adapter) and is easy to carry up and down stairs, pop in our trunk, manuever around coffee shops, etc. I have not ever wished I had a larger stroller. I also think the triv is better looking? I see vistas all over the place and they are enormous!
@chrisss7 We have the mixx next + pipa lite rx combo and have been happy with it.

I agree with you about the urbn, I just can’t imagine clicking the seat in every time, it would drive me crazy. I’d bite the bullet and buy the bases, and maybe try to find them used. I wound up getting our second base handed down by a coworker

Just curious, why triv vs. mixx? Iirc the triv was sort of a mid size one that isn’t small enough to be super portable but also lacks the comfortable ride of the bigger stroller. We wound up going mixx next and also bought a bugaboo butterfly for travel

We did not seriously consider the uppababy stuff, only because my wife is frenemies with a woman who is an uppababy truther lol! I think they’re great looking albeit maybe a little big and clunky, I feel like they may be sort of over engineered but there’s obviously benefits to being that comfy and tank like
@sandra142 I didn’t love the fold of the mixx, it looks like it folds down to the ground so you have to lean down and pick it up off ground to put in trunk which may be difficult post delivery depending on if I have to get c section. Any beyond that just seems inconvenient. Has that been annoying for you or not so bad? Also since it isn’t a convertible stroller for 2 kids it felt like a bigger stroller w/o the added convenience of that upgrade layer. I loved the one hand fold of Triv and how compact it was once folded since I have a sedan. But you’re right, now that I read more into airline regulations & the warranties on all these strollers despite its small size I’ll have to gate check the Triv, and the only compatible travel bag w any sort of warranty is the $200 Nuna travel bag which is the same size for all their strollers and is rigid with wheels so one of you has to wheel that thing through the airport (instead of storing in the underneath basket or putting it top of suitcase or something while walking through terminal). So, even with triv I’d likely end up buying a travel stroller too as to not risk damage during airline travel or dealing with that bag. Ahh so many decisions!
@chrisss7 My wife was vaginal birth but we didn’t really fold the stroller for the first few weeks, the only time we really put her in the car was to go to the 2 week doc appointment that early on

Beyond that we just went on walks and the stroller was unfolded

You’re going to have this thing for years so I’m not sure the first few weeks of recovery would be the major decider, you’re probably going to be laid up in bed recovering because childbirth is so tough on women (I am so proud of my wife and ALL women for powering through it, by the way, it is humbling as a man to see how strong the moms in my life are)

Beyond that no it hasn’t been bad. The only annoying part with the fold is if you have stuff in the basket, or a cupholder on the hand grip part or the sun shade extended and folded down the frame can catch. So you just have to take a sec to adjust before folding it anyway.

Re travel stuff - that’s why we got the second stroller, a bugaboo. It has a great fold, feels solid quality and it packs down to nothing. We figured don’t try to get a Goldilocks stroller, rather get the best tool for the job at the time

We only have one now (4.5 months) and we’re hoping to have a second one in a year or so, but I figure we’ll look for a double stroller when / if we need one. A lot can happen in life. One of my best friends has a 2 year old that hates strollers, as soon as she could comfortably walk she was done with the whole concept. So they barely use the second seat stroller and just trot their newborn around in her stroller while the older baby walks

Additionally I would also ask yourself how much you’ll be flying first 6 months or so. We travel a TON and agreed that a) family needs to come to US for a change first six months and b) any voluntary travel would be road trip distance first six months. It won’t be that way forever but by the time we’re traveling with the baby she’ll fit in the bugaboo (6 months)

I really nerded out over this stuff and feel good about our pipa lite rx + mixx next + bugaboo butterfly combo so I’m happy to talk through anything else. I hope this helps and wasn’t more confusing! We’re not experts obviously but we did feel like a ‘best of all worlds’ stroller doesn’t exist
@sandra142 No this is really helpful for sure thank you so much for sharing your input! I know people love the Mixx so I maybe I should add it to the mix myself, so to speak ;)
@chrisss7 A lot of nordstroms have the whole nuna lineup on display! I’d also say make friends with your sales person and hold out for the anniversary sale if your due date permits. We got the range of Nordstrom grey items on a solid sale